Gaps Analysis Current Efforts

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Gaps Analysis Current Efforts

February 28, 2020

**This eUpdate shares information about the Gaps Analysis process current activities and opportunities.**

Regional workshop follow-up survey

If you attended the 2019 regional workshops, you should have received a survey asking about actions you or other members of your action team have taken as a result of the regional workshops. DHS is in the process of analyzing survey responses in order to better assist each action team.

Regional workshop updates

Since the regional workshops, DHS and Wilder have been working on data entry and analysis of the 90 action plans that resulted from these workshops. DHS has started identifying transportation stakeholders who could assist with addressing the 29 transportation action plans. Participants who attended the transportation regional workshops will be connected with the Regional Transportation Coordinating Councils (RTCC) or Twin Cities Area Transit Coordination Assistance Projects (TCAPs). The purpose of these organizations is to facilitate transportation coordination at a local level. More information about these two organizations can be found at

What's next?

  • This week, transportation workshop participants will be connected to RTCCs and TCAPs to assist action teams in moving the action plans forward.
  • In spring 2020, summaries of each of the workshops will be made available to the public on the DHS Gaps Analysis website.
  • In spring 2020, DHS will share themes from the regional workshops and highlight a couple of efforts that resulted from these gatherings.

Stay in touch

Subscribe to the Gaps Analysis Current Efforts e-update to stay informed about all activities and opportunities.

For more information about the Gaps Analysis or to access past e-updates, visit the DHS Gaps Anlaysis website.