Feedback about HCBS Rule sought from people who are on disability waivers

Minnesota Department of Human Services

Disability Services Division eList


July 13, 2016

TO: Lead agency staff and other interested stakeholders
FROM: DHS Disability Services Division
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
PURPOSE: To ask lead agency staff and other stakeholders to share community meeting information with people who are on the BI, CAC, CADI and DD waivers

Feedback about HCBS Rule sought from people who are on disability waivers

DHS asks you to share community meeting information with people who are on the disability waivers:

  • Brain Injury (BI)
  • Community Alternative Care (CAC)
  • Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI)
  • Developmental Disabilities (DD).

The meetings are a chance for people who receive disability waiver services to provide feedback about the new federal Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Rule. For more information, including meeting dates and locations, see the DHS news release about the community meetings.

If a person plans to attend a meeting, please ask him or her to email and include:

  • His or her name
  • Meeting date and time he or she plans to attend
  • Any reasonable accommodation he or she may need to participate in the meeting.

If the person doesn’t have access to email, he or she can call the DSD Response Center at 651-431-4300.