Expanded eligibility criteria for the exception to CDCS budget methodology

Minnesota Department of Human Services

Disability Services Division eList


June 2, 2016

TO: Lead agencies and other interested stakeholders
FROM: DHS Disability Services Division fiscal policy staff
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
PURPOSE: To inform lead agencies that 2016 high school graduates are now eligible for the exception to consumer directed community supports (CDCS) budget methodology for the disability waivers
CONTACT: dsdconsumer.directed@state.mn.us

Expanded eligibility criteria for the exception to CDCS budget methodology

The 2016 Minnesota Legislature amended legislation so that 2016 high school graduates who meet all other requirements are eligible for the exception to CDCS budget methodology for the disability waivers.

DSD updated the following documents to reflect this change:

These documents include more information about the exception and lead agency procedures.

For the amended legislation, see Laws of Minnesota 2016, chapter 144.