MinnesotaWorks.net blog: Tips to Jump Start Your Job Search

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Among the first steps job seekers commonly take to find a job is to prepare a resume, and start networking in person and through social media. But beyond that, there’s much more you can do to make the most of your time looking for a job. If you aren’t getting many job interviews and think your job search could use a lift, it’s time to look at other avenues for employers to discover you.

In 7 Tips To Jump Start Your Job Search Jessica Holbrook Hernandez provides ideas to help you diversify your approach. One of her first tips is that you post your resume to job boards. We urge you to post your resume on MinnesotaWorks.net, our state’s online job bank, if you haven’t already. As of yesterday, there were 61,282 position openings on the site in a wide variety of fields and occupations. Read more...