December 2024
The Office of Adult Career Pathways is soliciting applications for the two Transformative Career Pathways programs:
- Capacity Building to eligible Minnesota community-based organizations to increase their capacity to provide workforce services and related training to historically underserved communities of color or low-income communities. Applications will be accepted on a continual basis until all funds have been awarded.
- Diversity and Inclusion training to eligible Minnesota Small Businesses to increase their ability to engage, hire, and retain people of color in a variety of roles.
We encourage you to review the RFPs and submit an application if you fit the eligibility and are interested in the opportunity. We also encourage you to share these opportunities with your partners or small business partners. Awards for these two programs will be conducted on a quarterly basis until all funds have been awarded.
The link to the RFPs can be found at DEED’s Competitive Grants and Contracts webpage:
Drive for 5: Employer Engagement
CareerForce’s Employer Engagement Specialist team is partnering with DEED's Adult Career Pathways team to provide support to all Drive for 5 projects in 2025. With one specialist in each region, they are now setting up times to meet with you to understand your goals, partnerships, needs and outcomes.
The team includes staff covering the Metro, Southern MN, Northeast MN, Northwest MN, and Central MN.
The Employer Engagement Specialist team collaborates with employers, local workforce boards, Drive for 5 grantees, and other regional stakeholders to amplify connections between employers and jobseekers in Minnesota’s most in-demand industries.
Email them at with dates and times that work for you to meet. They look forward to working with you!
Questions? Contact, Liz Jennings at or 651-259-7570.
Reminder: Quarter Reports
This is a friendly reminder that submitting quarterly progress reports is a requirement of your contract with DEED and per the State of Minnesota’s Office of Grants Management Policy 08-09. Quarterly reports should be submitted by the 30th of the month following the close of the quarter. Your next quarterly report is due January 30, 2025.
Helpful hints:
- You will find Quarterly Report Instructions in the Resources and Guides section of the ACP webpage.
- To fill out the Expenditures table at the top of the report, you will need to have your quarter-end RPR handy (i.e., December, March, June).
- To fill in the Participant Outcomes table, you will need to run one or more reports in Workforce One.
- Make sure the four areas at the end of the report are filled in (Name, Title, Signature, and Date)
- The report is not complete if sections of the report are left blank.
- We would love to celebrate successes with you, so please include success stories!
Reminder: Exits to Employment
When exiting participants in Workforce One with the Exit Reason, “Entered Unsubsidized Employment,” please remember to take the following steps:
- Open the “Employed Full-Time” Activity and fill out the Employment Info panel
- Use “Entered Unsubsidized Employment” as the primary exit reason, rather than the secondary reason
- Fill out the Placement Information panel within the Exit Reason
If you do not enter employment details in the Exit Reason, the exit will not be counted as verified employment within Workforce One and will not count toward your measurable outcomes.
Adult Career Pathways Webpage
Check out the ACP home page for resources and tools to assist in the management of ACP Grants.
Please contact your Adult Career Pathways Grant Coordinator directly with any questions regarding Adult Career Pathways Programs.
Formula Funds – WIOA Adult, WIOA DW and State DW
PY22FY23 WIOA Adult and DW Reallocation:
- List Unspent PY22FY23 WIOA Adult and DW funds reallocations are in process. Please be on the lookout for communication from the team.
Please Quality Progress Report
- List Reports for quarter ending December 31, 2023, are due on January 31, 2025. Please report on all active grants.
- Important Note: Being late or behind on QPRs may delay monthly invoice (RPR/FSR) payments.
Converting Layoffs Into Minnesota Businesses (CLIMB)
Please be aware that the Small Business Administration (SBA) website was updated recently, and in the process, the training modules were changed. In addition, accessing the trainings now requires creating an account and they no longer have a business plan development training. DEED is working on next steps, including updating the CLIMB policy.
Please use the checklist, which has been updated with a link to DEED’s business web page, where you can find helpful resources for businesses and entrepreneurs.
In the meantime, here are some recommendations:
- Use any relevant and/or vetted websites and training topics to refer clients to assist them with business planning requirements, including MN DEED’s resources for starting and growing a business:
- For trainings that don’t have certificates of completion available, screen shots and/or self-attestation are enough to document completion.
- Case-note all decisions/communication about business training and assistance between staff and program participant.
- Contact DW staff with questions at
We appreciate your patience and partnerships as we determine next steps. More information will be shared with the field soon.
MN State Dislocated Worker Program Expansion Training Webinar
There will be a virtual training on MN State Dislocated Program expansion on Monday, December 9, 2024, from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. This training will focus on the three new eligibility criteria and updates to the repealed cost category limitations.
Training topics will include the following:
- Review of the 3 added populations (low-income individuals, ill/injured workers, and military spouses).
- Review of MN State Dislocated Worker (SDW) Eligibility Policy & MN SDW Cost Category Policy.
- WorkForce One (WF1) demonstration enrolling the 3 added populations.
Registration is now open, and will close on Friday, December 6, at 5:00 pm. REGISTER now or view flyer. Please forward this information to all relevant staff and encourage them to register. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at
Re-Entry Grant
- The next monthly meeting will be held on December 11, 2024, 10:00-11:00 am.
- Modification to Re-Entry contracts for new end date to June 30, 2025, is being processed.
- Check out the Re-Entry web page for information and resources. We will continue to update the page as needed.
Retaining Employment and Talent after Injury/Illness Network (RETAIN)
MN RETAIN has secured a $10 million grant from the Department of Education to improve employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, injuries, or illnesses. Read DEED’s press release for more information.
Please email all requests, reports, and technical assistance questions to the Dislocated Worker Federal Adult Programs general email at
Program Year (PY) 2024 Quarter One (Q1) Performance Outcomes compared to Negotiated Goals
Included are links for the performance outcome spreadsheets for WIOA Dislocated Worker, DWG, and WIOA Adult programs. These are best when printed landscape, in color, and on 11x17 size paper.
Please email all performance or data entry questions to the Performance and Accountability Program general email at
- Performance goals are based on negotiated standards for PY2024.
- Color Key:
- Blue are the negotiated performance standards.
- Green means the set goal was met or exceeded.
- Yellow means at least 50% of the goal was met.
- Red means less than 50% of the goal was met.
- Served are all participants accessing the program during the actual program year (real-time).
- Getting a Job results based on participant exits July 1, 2023 – September 30, 2023, except those exited with exclusion. This indicator measures each participant’s employment status during the 2nd quarter after exiting the program. Formula: Percent of employed exits divided by all exits during the reporting period.
- Keeping a Job results based on participant exits January 1, 2023 – March 31, 2023, except those exited with exclusion. This indicator measures each participant’s employment status during the 4th quarter after exiting the program. Formula: Percent of employed exits divided by all exits during the reporting period.
- 2nd Quarter Median Earnings results based on participant exits July 1, 2023 – September 30, 2023, except those exited with exclusionary reason and those showing zero earnings. This indicator measures the median earning during the 2nd quarter after exiting the program.
- Credential Attainment results based on participant exits January 1, 2023 – March 31, 2023, except those exited with exclusionary reason and those who did not attend credential type training. This indicator measures the percent of participants who received a credential after attending training.
Upcoming Technical Assistance (TA) Events: December 12, 2024, 11:00am.
An invitation will be emailed to local leadership teams. We ask that the invite be forwarded to all staff they believe should attend.
- An ETPL demonstration to assist case managers on techniques for searching information trainings listed within the Career and Education Explorer (CEE).
- WIOA Certified Training: Occupationally specific, Industry Recognized Credential.
- Can be coded as WIOA funded Training Costs
- Non-credential Training: Occupationally specific, does not end in an Industry Recognized Credential.
- Can be coded as WIOA funded Training Costs
- Basic Skills Training.
- Can be coded as WIOA Career Service Costs
- Apprenticeship Training: Occupationally specific, Industry Recognized Credential.
- Can be coded as WIOA funded Training Costs
- A Workforce One (WF1) demonstration for case managers on training related data entry and the appropriate WF1 activities to consider for each type.
- Classroom Training Activity
- Credential Attained without Training
- Customized Training
- Entrepreneurial Training
- Incumbent Worker Training
- GED Training
- Always captured in the Non-credential Training Activity.
- Work Readiness Services
- Pre-vocational services
- CLIMB Training
- ESL Training
- Financial Literacy Education
- Incumbent Worker Credential Waiver (State DW ONLY)
- Work Experience
- Apprenticeship Training
- Always captured in the Apprenticeship activity
Request for TA Event Topics and other technical assistance needs:
- Please email the performance team’s general email address,, with technical assistance topics you want presented in January 2025 and/or if you have questions or scenarios you would like to discuss with the team. These topics should relate to Workforce One (WF1), the Career and Education Explorer (CEE) that houses the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL), Case management techniques, Outreach Practices, Co-enrollment, and/or Performance Accountability.
Should you have any performance or data entry questions, please contact the Performance and Accountability Program general email at
Training Applications
Please submit applications at least two weeks before the training start date. TAA will do its best to review applications that come in with less time than that but does not guarantee a completed review and approval on those submittals. It is important to send applications to TAA as soon as possible to prevent delays to the start date for the training. Additionally, make sure to use the most current applications from the Forms section of TAA’s site.
Virtual Informational Session December 17
Minnesota Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) hosts virtual informational sessions and refers attendees to enroll in the Dislocated Worker (DW) program to access their TAA benefits. The sessions are for people who may be eligible to apply for TAA benefits under older petitions. Thank you in advance for your work to serve these shared customers, some of whom may have been laid off under a TAA petition years ago. The next session is December 17 and the link to the session is at
TAA Program Status and Funding
The TAA program has funding and continues to serve customers. Congress has not reauthorized the program but could reauthorize it at any time. For customers who are eligible under older petitions and seeking training, TAA must be the primary source of funding. Contact TAA with outreach suggestions or to ask about an individual’s eligibility, and use the resources available for Counselors and Services Providers.
TEGL 07-23 - Ongoing Operations of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) for Workers Program During Phase-Out Termination is available at TEGL 07-23 | U.S. Department of Labor (
Petitions can still be filed, but Department of Labor’s investigation is paused until program restoration or reauthorization. To see the list of petitions in Minnesota filed after July 1, 2022, visit the Certified and Pending TAA Petitions on the CareerForce site.
Please email all questions and customer applications to the Trade Adjustment Assistance general email at
As part of efforts to simplify navigation and focus web content on what job seekers come to to find, we're making edits to content on the website. We're also making changes to navigation menus on the site. These changes are part of an overhaul to prepare the site to become the home for the state’s new labor exchange.
This is a screenshot of the site with a red arrow pointing to the new main menu, which is solely focused on a job seeker audience.
If you hover over the menu items of Find a Job, Job Loss Resources, Job Search Tools, Education and Training or Resources for, you will get a dropdown menu of frequently visited pages on the site. If you select any of those menu items, you will open a page with sub-page navigation menu items running horizontally across the top of the page and highlighted and other high use resources will be linked in copy on the page.
Content for an employer audience is linked from the header menu, from the menu item For Employers.
The password-protected part of the site for DEED and LWDA staff and other workforce development partners is accessed by selecting For Staff and Partners, also in the header menu.
Having trouble finding things? Have a suggestion? Please reach out to CareerForce Information and Assistance Line staff at or 651-259-7500.
Contact the CareerForce Information and Assistance line at 651-259-7500 or if you have questions.
2022 – 2032 Minnesota Long Term Employment Projections
DEED's most recent round of ten-year employment projections estimates the addition of nearly 145,000 new jobs between 2022 and 2032, a percent change equal to 4.6%. These projected job gains reflect the demographic trends of an aging and more slowly growing population but are also indicative of broad changes in technology and the way we work. DEED's Labor Market Information Office issues long-term employment projections for Minnesota every two years. These projections take into account multiple factors, from projected demand shifts to changes in labor force availability due to an aging population to impacts of government investments and technologies like AI. Considering all of these factors, and others, analysts project slower yet continued employment growth in Minnesota over the coming decade.
If you have questions about Labor Market Information, please email
This newsletter is meant for DEED Grantees, Providers, and Employment Counselors. We want this e-Newsletter to meet your needs! We encourage you to send your comments and suggestions to
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