July 2021
Dislocated Worker and Federal Adult Programs
Long Term Attachment to the Labor Force Amendment:
- To facilitate and expedite recruitment efforts, and remove barriers for potential participants, DEED is making a temporary amendment to the current definition of long attachment to the labor force (attached) as follows:
- Long attachment to the labor force: has worked for two full pay periods or one month, whichever is less.
Minnesota Job Skills Partnership Board (MJSP) meeting:
- The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 25, 2021.
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP):
- PY21 planning documents were due Wednesday, June 23, 2021. Review is in progress; We’ll reach out with any required edits or requests for additional information.
- Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) will end June 30, 2021.
- Providers were sent information and guidance for the SCSEP At Home Training Program on May 21, 2021. The documents were reviewed during the last SCSEP call on May 26, 2021.
- We have a designated SCSEP program in Coursera and FREE access to this program until April 30, 2022.
- For participants who will be accessing Coursera, please send the sign-up Excel doc to Heather at heather.moore@state.mn.us Participants will be granted access within 1-2 business days.
- For PY20, the USDOL is allowing waiver requests for national and state grantees who do not meet the 10% match requirement. DEED program staff will submit the waiver request.
- We’re starting to receive returned SCSEP surveys due to outdated or incorrect addresses. We may reach out for updated host agency and participant addresses, if needed.
- The PY20 Quarter 4 close is scheduled for Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Please resolve any rejected records by then.
- PY19 Data Validation is complete! Thank you to everyone for scanning and sending your participant files securely and confidentially. We appreciate your partnership and collaboration.
- As always – please contact Heather at heather.moore@state.mn.us or 651-259-7560 with questions.
Disaster Relief Grants/Special Grants:
Dislocated Worker and WIOA Adult Performance Updates
IMPORTANT DATE: Program Year 2020 Data Freeze Date is scheduled for July 9, 2021. Please have all your data entry up to date including all Measurable Skill Gains (MSGs) achieved by your participants during the timeframe of 07/01/2020 – 06/30/2021 into Workforce One (WF1) no later than close of business 07/9/2021.
Q&A: The Data Freeze Date and how to fulfill the requirement of exiting participants retroactively
Question: Currently, there are several customers in the Employed, Pending Exit activity that will not be closed when WF1 data freezes on July 9. When it comes time to exit the customers, per DEED’s policy, we back date them to the start of the employed pending exit activity. Customers currently in the Employed pending exit activity who are not exited when data freezes would then not be counted in our measures. Please provide guidance about what to do for these customers and the upcoming data freeze.
Answer: After the data freeze date, counselors will still be able to update case records with data that occurred prior to July 9 they need to retroactively, which includes processing exits after the 90 days of no service has lapsed (Employed, Pending Exit cases).
The data freeze date simply means anything entered into WF1 after 7/9/2021 will not be included in the PY20 Q4 report and the PY20 Annual report. Counselors will still be able to enter information into WF1 with dates prior to 7/9/2021, after the data freeze date, which would include closing activities and exiting cases retroactively.
Since the MSG rate is a real-time measure that requires at least one MSG captured on every case that attended training at any time during the reporting program year, it has been the measure most focused on when discussing the last day to capture important data. If at least one MSG is not captured with an attainment date of 07/01/2020 – 06/30/2021, that case will be a negative in the MSG rate for PY20.
There are other important data to enter too
- If a participant has an exit date between 01/01/2019 – 12/31/2019 and that participant attended credentialed training during their enrollment period, the attained credential must be entered into WF1 before COB 7/9/21.
- If a participant was exited between 07/01/2019 – 06/30/2020 and that participant is employed by an employer who does not report wages to UI or they are self-employed, Supplemental Wage Information must be entered in the Follow-up tab of WF1 in order to be a positive in the 2nd quarter employment rate and median earnings.
- If a participant was exited between 01/01/2019 – 12/31/2019 and that participant is employed by an employer who does not report wages to UI or they are self-employed, Supplemental Wage Information must be entered in the Follow-up tab of WF1 in order to be a positive in the 4th quarter employment rate.
When it comes to the number of exits for the program year, the cases that have not had a gap in services for at least 90 days will not be included in the count for the program year because they are still technically considered to be a participant until 90 days has lapsed (according to WIOA law). This will not matter to performance outcomes or reflect negatively on any provider or the state in any way for PY20’s annual report.
Since performance for each program year includes cohorts of exit dates from the past (See cohort chart attached), all participants currently in holding status (waiting the 90 days of no service) will fall into performance cohorts in the future.
Example: If a participant’s “Employed, Pending Exit” activity start date is 04/15/2021 and they do not return for other services that would restart the 90 day countdown, that participant will be exited with the date of 04/15/2021 after the 90 days of no services has lapsed (on 07/14/2021).
- That participant will be in the denominator for 2nd quarter employment and Median Earnings within the PY21 Quarter 4 report (April 2022-June 2022) as well as the PY21 Annual Report.
- That participant will be in the denominator for 4th Quarter Employment and Credential Attainment rate within the PY22 Quarter 2 report (October 2022 – December 2022) as well as the PY22 Annual Report.
Cases accessing Program Year (PY) 2019 Dislocated Worker (DW) and WIOA Adult (AD) Allocations
Reminder: PY2019 allocations will be expiring on June 30, 2021. All cases showing the following funding streams within an open activity will need your attention.
If the participant will continue receiving a service currently supported by PY2019 allocations after June 30, 2021, a new activity will need to be opened for each service the participant will continue.
Reminder: All Dislocated Worker and WIOA Adult program year formula allocations (small layoff grants/WIOA Adult allotments) remain active for two years.
- PY2019 Allocation = July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2021 (EXPIRING)
- PY2020 Allocation = July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2022
- PY2021 Allocation = July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2023
This means, the new activity will need a PY2020 or PY2021 formula grant selected within them depending on your agencies budget.
Important Information to Know
- All activities with a PY2019 allocation selected within them cannot have a start date after June 30, 2021 and must have an end date no later than June 30, 2021.
- If any participant will continue participating in an activity that is currently showing a PY2019 allocation supporting that service, that activity needs to be copied within their activity detail screen.
- The new activity will need a start date of July 1, 2021
- An active funding source (PY2020 or PY2021) will need to be selected within them.
- To help in this funding source transition
- Amy Carlson will mass close all currently open PY2019 funded activities with an end date of June 30, 2021, which means you will only need to open/copy the old activities. If you want to close the old activities yourself, that is fine. If you choose not to close them yourself, it will be taken care of for you.
- This mass activity closure will begin August 1, 2021.
- If there are cases without other open activities on record showing a different funding source, this mass closure will not work for those cases. Any cases that show they cannot be included in the PY2019 funded activity closure will be emailed to the management team for the COFFR funding the case.
- Shortly after July 1, 2021, additional funding streams will be added to your dropdown lists for PY2021 allocations. The date these new funding streams will be available is dependent on when PY2021 contracts are in place. Your management teams will be alerted as soon as your agency’s PY2021 funding streams are available in WF1.
Guidance on Specific PY19 Funded Activity Scenarios
Question: What if training was fully funded by the PY19 grant but the participant will continue attending that training after 06/30/2021?
Answer: Make note of all cases that fall into this scenario.
- Copy all other activities that will be funded by a different grant after 06/30/2021. Do not copy the training activity since a different grant will not be supporting it after 06/30/2021.
- Once the mass closure of PY19 activities is completed (by 08/16/2021), the assigned staff will need to go back into each of the cases with this scenario and remove the end date from the training activity by clicking “edit” next to that activity within the WF1 record
- The training activity will later be closed with the last date the participant attends that training
Question: Are we supposed to copy Employed, Pending Exit and Pending Exit, Other activities for the PY19 closure?
Answer: No, do not copy these activities because after the 90 days of no service exhausts (holding period these activities represent), the activity end date and exit date will be retroactive to the start date of this activity, which will be during the PY19 grant period.
Reminder, whenever these activities are open, no other activities should be open at the same time since these activities represent no services being provided. (Any open activities would contradict this since all other activities represent services being provided.) If there are no other open activities on the case, Amy Carlson will not be able to close out these activities. It is likely that after the mass closure, cases with these activities will be on the spreadsheets emailed to local area management teams as cases where the mass closure could not close activities. (Hopefully, the only cases on those spreadsheets are cases with these activities)
Special situation if the participant returns for a service other than a follow-up service you will then need to update data entry like normal in order to capture the new last date of service…
- Close the Employed, Pending Exit activity with the date of 06/30/2021
- Open an activity that best represents the service provided to the participant when they returned with the date of 07/01/2021 and the funding source used to support that service
- Open a new Employed Pending Exit activity with whatever the new last date of service is and the funding stream that supported that last service
- Close the activity that represents the last service provided with the same date as the new Employed, Pending Exit activity
- Follow the normal exiting procedure after 90 days exhausts from the new last date of service
Should you have any performance or data entry questions, please contact the Federal Adult Programs' Performance Coordinator, Amy Carlson, at amy.carlson@state.mn.us.
Adult Career Pathways (ACP)
Legislative Direct Appropriation Grants/Competitive Grants SFY20/21
REMINDER: Quarterly reports for the period of April 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021 are due July 30th.
- State Legislators continue to meet and the ACP team is watching closely as the final budget will determine SFY22-23 program budgets. We expect RFPs to be released summer 2021.
- The ACP Team released the Minnesota Tech Training Pilot Project RFP March 11th. This is a new program within ACP serving adults 18-30 and targeting underrepresentation of BIPOC communities in the Technology field.
- Sign up to receive notices about open DEED RFPs at: https://mn.gov/deed/about/contracts/open-rfp.jsp
SNAP E&T 50/50
The ACP team continues to work with our eight SNAP E&T 50% Reimbursement Grantees for SFY21 providing 50% reimbursement on expenses already incurred through ACP’s Pathways to Prosperity and MN Family Resiliency Partnership (DHP) programs.
MN Family Resiliency Partnership (formerly known as Displaced Homemaker Program)
What is a Displaced Homemaker?
“A displaced Homemaker is an individual who has spent a substantial number of years in the home providing homemaking services and
- i) has been dependent upon the financial support of another; and now due to divorce, separation, death or disability of that person, must find employment to self-support,
- ii) derived a substantial share of support from public assistance on account of dependents in the home and no longer receives such support.”
Participants must also meet Income guidelines (at or below 200% FPG.)
More information about the Minnesota Family Resiliency Partnership program can be found on DEED’s ACP webpage at https://mn.gov/deed/job-seekers/find-a-job/targeted-services/homemakers/.
ACP Guides
The ACP team is working to update the ACP Workforce One Guide to reflect updates and changes to programs in the past two years. Stay tuned for the updated guide!
ACP’s Operations Guide is now available from the ACP home page. The Guide documents current practices for ACP. The ACP Team meets monthly to discuss suggested additions, modifications, and other changes to the guide and update as necessary. It does NOT include measures implemented in response to COVID-19, which are listed separately.
Program Guidance
Employment Placement Verification
Grantees exiting participants to Entered Unsubsidized Employment or Employment must include verification of employment (i.e. pay stub, offer letter, employment verification form or another verifiable document from the employer) in the participant’s file and/or uploaded in to WF1 EDS. Please refer to the “Exits” section of the ACP Operations Guide for more information.
Participants may submit, in lieu of pay stub, offer letter, employment verification form or another verifiable document from the employer, an Adult Career Pathways Employment Verification Form now available on the ACP webpage: https://mn.gov/deed/programs-services/adult-career-pathways/.
ACP Grantee Spotlight
This month, the ACP Team would like to spotlight Family Services Rochester’s FATHER Project. The FATHER Project understands the positive involvement of both parents is important to the healthy development of children and increases their chances of leading a safe, happy childhood and growing into mature adults. They believe that "good dads make great kids". The Father Project serves fathers between the ages of 17 and 35+. These men are likely to be either unemployed or underemployed. The Father Project assists fathers in overcoming the barriers that prevent them from supporting their children economically and emotionally.
The relationship between this project and the county’s child support unit has been instrumental in the unification of fathers to their children. For more information please visit their website at http://familyservicerochester.org/father-project/ .
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
Training Applications are due at least two weeks before training start date
Submit applications as soon as possible, and at least two weeks before the training start date. TAA will do its best to review applications that come in with less time than that, but please send applications (with waivers, if applicable) as soon as they’re completed.
TAA requests that DW Counselors specifically review Employment Plans (ISS/IEP) and Waivers with customers who expressed interest in training this fall. If the customer’s goals have changed, or the customer is not making progress toward enrolling in training, promptly notify TAA.
TAA recently updated the Training, Job Search Allowance, and Relocation Allowance applications: https://mn.gov/deed/programs-services/dislocated-worker/counselors/forms/
Change in mileage rates for Relocation Allowance
The Relocation Allowance was updated again in June 2021 after Minnesota TAA received guidance from Department of Labor on how to calculate the mileage for customers driving personal vehicle(s) to the relocation destination. The new application indicates that TAA will pay 90% of the Relocation amount published by U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). Previously, Minnesota TAA paid 90% of the federal mileage rate. Customers who had been approved for Relocation Allowance prior to June 16, 2021 will receive 90% of the federal mileage rate.
Electronic Document Storage
TAA staff have begun using the Electronic Document Storage (EDS) feature in WF1. As of 7/1/2021, all new customers/files will be 100% EDS. For customers accessing TAA before 7/1/21, TAA Specialists can choose to use either an EDS or physical file. Each file will be either 100% electronic or 100% physical/paper.
Reversion 2021
On July 1, 2021, the TAA Program reverted to a modified version of the Trade Reform Act of 2002, referred to as, “Reversion 2021.” Any workers covered under a Petition for Trade Adjustment Assistance filed on or after July 1, 2021, would be covered by this modified version.
Current customers and people who are eligible under an older petition continue to receive the benefits under the appropriate law of their petition. Nearly all of our current customers are covered by 2015 Law and their services/benefits will not change.
TEGL 24-20 - Operating Instructions for Implementing the Reversion Provisions of the Amendments to the Trade Act of 1974 Enacted by the Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2015, has been added to the ETA Advisory database and is available at https://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_doc.cfm?DOCN=6175.
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Petitions
Here’s the link to check the status of petitions with U.S. Department of Labor https://www.doleta.gov/tradeact/petitioners/taa_search_form.cfm
- Recently certified
- 96906 - The Mosaic Company, Minneapolis
- 96890 – Teleflex, Maple Grove
- Recently denied
- 96905 – Vervent Inc., Laverne
- Pending DOL’s investigation
- 96901 – Bedford Industries, Worthington
- 96860E – Synchrony Bank, Saint Paul
- 96977 – Rest Assured Mattress Co. Inc., Rochester
- 97031 – McKesson Corporation, Golden Valley
- 97102 -- General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis
- 97093 -- Medtronic Inc., Columbia Heights
- 97092 -- Silver King, Minneapolis
- 96977 – Rest Assured Mattress Co. Inc., Rochester
ETPL Administration and Monitoring
Thank you for all your work this program year; we’re looking forward to next year!
Can I get a new training on the list?
The ETPL is a continuously evolving database, as programs change to meet the evolving economy. If you know or have a client interested in training but the organization and it’s trainings are not on the ETPL, please connect us via email. ETPL Administration’s email is etpl.deed@state.mn.us – we’re happy to invite all eligible courses and programs to the list!
The ETPL Policy is now live. Thank you to those who provided comments on the Draft ETPL Policy at DEED. We appreciate your thoughtfulness and the time to read and connect with us in supporting our agency. Your feedback helps us develop and implement quality services and guidelines for clarifying Minnesota's implementation of WIOA and additional initiatives.
The comments received during the 30 day window were as follows, with our responses included in purple.
- If WIOA training funds cannot be used, please do not list it on ETPL at all.
- The CEE has always been more than the ETPL, in also listing opportunities that do not meet WIOA but could be supported with state funds (e.g. forklift training, Microsoft office specialist training). This is because 1) the CEE predates the ETPL eligibility criteria as a resource for the state, and 2) to streamline if a career counselor needs to verify registration/exemption/licensure with OHE or the appropriate state agency.
- DEED is continuously collecting feedback and open to adapting the public-facing Career and Education Explorer in the future, including how users interact with the ETPL and additional resources in that tool. We are exploring ways to filter specifically for ETPL trainings of value for user.
- Policy is too long and should be broken down into two separate policies – one for training vendors and one for service providers
- The US Department of Labor outlines requirements state ETPL policies must include in TEGL 8-19 and elsewhere. DEED acknowledges that multiple stakeholders reference this policy with diverse use-cases in mind. The sections are a new addition in this update of the policy, and were added for clarity in navigating the document. Generally, service providers have more detailed information on service and support documentation in DEED's allowable uses policy.
- The formatting is unorganized and hard to read
- There is limited formatting within the policy web interface, DEED is exploring updates to this app in the future. Alternative formats/accessible formats available upon request
- Under “5ci. Policy Violations” – “Falsely advertising. False advertising includes: unreasonable time to completion, such that participants are seeking to enroll with an alternative training provider” – how is this monitored by ETPL staff?
- Reports of clients experiencing adverse experiences in training programs should be reported to ETPL Administration or DEED's ODEO team for investigation
- Under “6ci. Concerning all participants: enrollments, exiters, and completions” – is placement after completion considered part of a training vendors performance?
- Employment 2 and 4 quarters after completion of a training program is a WIOA outcome of the training program.
- Under 7ci. Documentation Concerning WIOA participants – “WIOA-certified for State DW funds only: ETPL program listings that are not WIOA-certified or noncredentialled training, the training must be verified as actively licensed/registered/exempt as described above with OHE or the appropriate state licensing agency and have a location in Minnesota” – is this indicating that any training funded by State DW dollars must be listed on the ETPL, whether it is WIOA-Certified, Noncredentialled, or otherwise?
- No. State DW funds can fund a training that is eligible for the ETPL, but where the school may have chosen to not list the program on the ETPL. However, any training on the ETPL is generally eligible for State DW funds.
- (on 3d. 1, Accreditation) Higher Education is accredited by institution, rather than program. Add "Includes programs provided by accredited higher-education institutions. If necessary, add credit and non credit programs.
- The language in this section follows US Department of Labor guidance for states in TEN 25-19, characteristics of recognized postsecondary credentials
- (3d.3) Program accreditation is only possible for very specific situations and usually only available to credit based programs (i.e. engineering). Should read "good standing for institution or program accreditation..."
- The word institution has been added to the policy, to clarify that in some fields, the institution is accredited for all of the programs it offers, where in other instances it may be the specific program that is accredited.
- (trainings on third-party platform) Would prefer "encourage an active for-credit pathway, using CPL, articulation agreements, or other learner-centered means" Add Or provide ample evidence of local employer demand, such as job postings or position descriptions listing training, certification, or collection of skills aligned to program.
- The specific examples of credit-for-prior learning models has been added to the policy. The language in this section follows US Department of Labor guidance for states in TEN 25-19, Attachment II, Credit for Prior Learning.
Labor Market Information
By the Numbers
Every quarter, DEED’s Labor Market Information office publishes a slate of research articles that offer insights into important labor market trends. In the June 2021 issue of Minnesota Economic Trends, our analysts provide a summary look at Minnesota’s labor market and employment trends in our annual State of the State issue, including articles that focus on regional trends throughout the state. In addition, analysts take a deep dive on one of the driving questions of the day that many employers across Minnesota are asking: where are the workers? Here are some highlights:
State of State
The director of DEED’s LMI office summarizes labor market trends during the pandemic recession: jobs, vacancies, unemployment, and labor force participation in Minnesota and regional analysts provide a closer look at the situation in each of Minnesota’s six labor market regions.
Why Are There Unfilled Jobs Amid High Unemployment
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of business restrictions or changes in consumer behavior in some industries created new employment opportunities elsewhere. However, available workers may not match up with available jobs for a variety of reasons.
More than Simple Supply and Demand
One of the most talked about issues of the pandemic recovery is employers' inability to find workers. This article explores ways employers can recruit, hire and retain the workers they need during this unique labor market moment.
Reemployment After COVID-19 Layoffs in Minnesota: Early Findings
This study presents early findings about Minnesota workers who were laid off during the first months of the pandemic (March through June of 2020) and the most up-to-date information we have about their employment status.
COVID-19 and Ex-Offender Employment
One of the major barriers that individuals with a criminal background face is obtaining stable and satisfying employment. Job losses during the early parts of the pandemic recession may have disproportionately affected workers with a criminal record.
First Quarter Forecast: A Rapid Rebound
This forecast projects job growth in Minnesota between the first quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022. Minnesota's job recovery from the pandemic accelerated during the first quarter of 2021 and is expected to remain strong throughout 2021 as COVID-19 cases continue to decline and hiring ramps up.
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