The Minnesota Practice Series is one of our favorite resources for both beginner and experienced legal researchers. Minnesota Practice is designed with practitioners in mind and is meant to be a practical guide to the law. The series covers a number of areas of substantive law, including family law, probate, criminal law, business, insurance, and juvenile law. Additionally, you will find annotated court rules, which include citations to cases, examples, and analysis. Minnesota's Jury Instruction Guides are also published as part of the Minnesota Practice Series. Minnesota Practice also includes several practical guides to courtroom practice and the mechanics of litigation.
We have multiple copies of the Minnesota Practice Series in our library in print. Minnesota Practice is also available through Westlaw, which you can access for free at our library computers. Questions about how to use Minnesota Practice? Ask a Librarian!
Responses to the opioid epidemic, e-cigarette regulations, and marijuana legalization have been in the news lately. In response, we put together a guide on Controlled Substances to organize current laws and developments on these topics. You will find links to relevant statutes, bills under consideration by the legislature, and surveys of state laws on the topic.
Sexual harassment is another topic that has been in the news frequently. We created a guide on Sexual Harassment that covers relevant laws and provides links to resources, including information specifically for employees, employers, landlords, and schools.