Inter Alia: Minnesota State Law Library Newsletter February 2018

Inter Alia

Minnesota Appellate Briefs

Handwritten Appellate Brief
Before typewriters and computers were common, Minnesota attorneys had to write their briefs by hand.

Minnesota appellate briefs are among the most requested documents at the State Law Library. Our collection contains print briefs, electronic briefs, examples, and resources about writing appellate briefs for practitioners and self-represented appellants


Briefs in Print

Our print collection includes briefs for published cases dating back to the mid-1800s, including handwritten briefs like the one pictured above. In some cases, the State Law Library has the only copy of historical briefs. We also keep print copies of briefs for all published decisions from the Minnesota Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.   

Briefs Online

Thankfully, briefs don't have to be handwritten anymore, and technology has come a long way. Our brief archive makes newer cases accessible online and searchable by docket number, party names, or keyword. The archive includes briefs beginning with cases published in volume 705 of the Northwest Reporter 2d. Recently, our Technical Services team completed a project adding redacted criminal briefs to the archive. We are adding new briefs regularly: Supreme Court briefs are added after the oral arguments are held and Court of Appeals briefs are added when the opinion is published. You can view our briefs guide for more information about how to find Minnesota appellate briefs, or Ask a Librarian if you need help. 

Latino Legal Experience Exhibit Coming to MN State Law Library

This March, the Law Library will host the traveling exhibit "The Latino Legal Experience in Minnesota: Our People, Our Struggle, Our Promise," organized by the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota, the Minnesota Hispanic Bar Association, and the Minnesota Chapter of the Federal Bar Association. This exhibit will give visitors historical background on the legal experiences of Minnesota's Latino community and portraits of some of Minnesota's past, present, and future Latino lawyers and judges. The exhibit will be on display at the State Law Library from March 19 - March 30, 2018. We hope to see you there! 

Resource Spotlight: Dunnell MN Digest

Dunnell Minnesota Digest

When you're just getting started with researching a legal issue or you need to get up to speed quickly on a new area of law, Dunnell Minnesota Digest is a great research tool. This 51-volume legal encyclopedia covers a wide range of topics and provides researchers with a short but thorough entry on a topic. Each section also provides references to Minnesota statutes and cases on the topic. This is a great resource for experienced researchers and beginners alike. The State Law Library keeps two copies of Dunnell's in our Reference Collection. Need help using Dunnell's? Ask a librarian for help!

Quick Links

Need Research Help?

Whether you're representing yourself in a court case, trying the first case of your legal career, or researching a difficult case, our reference librarians can help! We offer legal reference help in person, by phone, and by email. We also provide legal reference services at five St. Paul Public Library branches several times a month to help you find the legal information you need. Need help with your legal research? Ask a Librarian!

Did You Know?

You probably know that Minneapolis just hosted Super Bowl LII, but did you know that a former Minnesota Supreme Court Justice played in four Super Bowls? Before he was appointed to the bench, former Associate Justice Alan Page played in four Super Bowls for the Minnesota Vikings. Justice Page even graduated from law school while playing in the NFL. In addition to his successful football career, Justice Page had an impressive legal career before retiring from the bench in 2015. Visit our Supreme Court Justice Biographies to learn more about Justice Alan Page

News and Events

Minnesota Supreme Court

On January 30, 2018, the United States Senate confirmed the appointment of Minnesota Supreme Court Associate Justice David R. Stras to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals. Governor Mark Dayton is expected to appoint a new justice to the Minnesota Supreme Court sometime this spring. 

New Laws Effective January 1

A number of new Minnesota laws went into effect on January 1, 2018. Read about the changes here.  

Tax Season

The IRS began accepting federal income tax returns on January 29, 2018. Need help finding tax resources? Our Tax subject guide has links to statutes, forms, and websites that can help you with your tax questions.