Calling all technical staff!
Have you completed your 2021 Individual Development Plan (IDP)? We want to know:
- What skills or knowledge do you need to improve your job performance?
- What conservation practices do you need to able to plan, design, and install?
- What certifications or credentials are you looking for?
The IDP tool was developed to collect this information, which we use to make statewide training delivery decisions. You can ensure your training needs will be considered during this decision making process by completing your IDP.
What has changed? TTCP is in the third year of using IDPs to capture technical training needs statewide, and there are a lot of training requests that were submitted in years one and two. To help our training needs assessment and prioritization process to be as effective and efficient as possible we are asking everyone to update these older training needs. For the coming year, we will not consider any training needs dated prior to January 1, 2021. Updating your training needs is a quick process, and we have developed a brief video demonstrating how to do this.
Are you new to IDPs? Most NRCS and SWCD technical staff and managers already have eLINK accounts and access to IDPs. If you don’t, you can get started here.
Looking for a refresher? Check out the IDP User Guidance page for information and videos on adding a new training request, updating training requests, adding training to your training history, and viewing your credentials.
Have questions or need further assistance? Please contact us.
BWSR Sponsored Training Events
Minnesota Wetland Professional Certification Program |
Wetland Delineation Refresher Course
August 26, 8:30am-4:30pm
Nye Park Nature Center, Maple Lake, MN
Basic Wetland Regulation and Delineation Class
September 13-17
Central Lakes College, Brainerd, MN
Basic Wetland Regulation and Delineation Class
September 20-24
Central Lakes College, Brainerd, MN
Basic Wetland Regulation and Delineation Class
October 4-8
Arden Hills City Hall, Arden Hills, MN
More information on all of these courses can be found at https://bwsr.state.mn.us/minnesota-wetland-professional-certification-program
Technical Training & Certification Program Trainings
Related Partner Training Opportunities
August |
Aug 17 |
Wetland Restoration Review and Grazing, Marshall, Pheasants Forever
Aug 17 |
Protecting Pollinators and Managing Their Habitats, Online, American Society of Agronomy
Aug 19 |
As-Planted Seed Mix Differences, Hutchinson, Pheasants Forever
Aug 24 |
Growing a Regenerative Crop Production System, Online, American Society of Agronomy
September |
Sept 8 |
Open Meeting Law Remote Workshop, Online, MN Dept. of Admin
Sept 8 |
Maintaining Green Infrastructure, Online, Minnesota GreenStep Cities and Tribal Nations
Sept 14 |
Diverse Food Plot Planting and Maintenance, Dassel and Forest City, Pheasants Forever
Sept 14 |
Riparian Forest Buffer Webinar Series, Session 3 of 3, Online, American Society of Agronomy
Sept 20-24 |
Restoring River Ecosystems: Design & Application, Fergus Falls, MN DNR
Sept 21 |
Intro to Data Practices Policies & Procedures Remote Workshop, Online, MN Dept. of Admin
Sept 21 |
Introduction to MIDS Calculator, Virtual, MPCA
Sept 21 |
MIDS Calculator Intermediate Level Training, Virtual, MPCA
October |
Oct 19-20 |
The Minnesota Water Resource Conference, Virtual, UMN
December |
Dec 1-4 |
MAWD Annual Conference "Save the Date," Alexandria
Extended Training Opportunities |
Through October 22 |
Silvopasture Workshops and Field Days, Sustainable Farming Association
Through December 31 |
MinnFARM, Self-Paced Online Training, UMN Extension
Not all training takes place in a classroom. Check out the links below to learn at a time and place of your choosing.
We’ve also put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics. You can visit BWSR's Online Learning page to find web-based technical training resources sorted by category.
Program Contacts