Registration for the BWSR Academy closed on October 9. The good news is total number of registrations exceeded the expectations of the planning team. Total registrations are over 400. The not so good news is that many of the sessions reached the participant cap of 80 that was set in order to maximize opportunities for participant interaction. Given the interest and wait list for many of the closed sessions, we are in the process of contacting trainers of to see if some sessions can be offered again in the next few months. So, if a session you tried to register for was closed due to the capacity limits, please stay tuned for more information about which sessions will be offered again.
Training Online
Training looks different since March, with a shift from in-person to online to reduce risks associated with COVID-19. This shift requires both trainers and participants to become comfortable with online platforms.
For trainers, suggestions include:
- Become familiar with the online platform you are using. This includes taking time to introduce yourself to the platform and conducting a test run before your training.
- Reach out to others who have used a similar platform to learn from their experiences as to what works well and what didn’t work.
- When training, have someone assigned to monitor the chat box so you can stay focused on presenting.
- During your training, engage with the audience every five minutes
For participants, suggestions include:
- If unfamiliar with the platform, practice logging in before your training begins.
- Turn off email notifications and remove other potential distractions while attending an online training.
- Participate in opportunities to engage in the training session.
TED Talks, meet Tech Talks!
The Technical Training and Certification Program (TTCP) launched Tech Talks in April. To date, Tech Talks – hosted live every Monday at 1 p.m. – have included a wide range of presenters and topics such as livestock, forestry, engineering tools, filter strips, concrete, nutrient management, and construction.
Twenty-four Tech Talks were held between April 6 and September 15, with more than 1,000 participants attending live or watching session replays.
Are you interesting in attending an upcoming session? Check out the Tech Talk schedule.
Did you miss a session? We record each session and make replays available in the searchable Online Learning library.
2020 Individual Development Plans (IDPs)
Have you completed your 2020 IDP? If not, you have until tomorrow - 2020 IDPs are due Friday, October 16!
What happens next?
Starting next week, we will compile the data submitted through the IDP tool to summarize training requests and locations. In early November, TTCP technical trainers and managers will meet to review this information and determine statewide training priorities for 2021. These priorities will be used to develop a training plan for 2021, and a draft training calendar will be created and updated as trainings are scheduled.
IDP results will also be reviewed with Area Technical Training Teams this winter. ATTTs will also consider the statewide training plan and determine priority technical training to be delivered locally.
If you would like to know more, check out the 2019 IDP Results.
Minnesota Wetland Professional Certification Program
The MWPCP will be offering some online training videos and/or webinars on wetlands and wetland regulation in November and December of this year. When finalized, the date and content of training will be posted on the MWPCP webpage and the BWSR training calendar.
BWSR Training
Technical Training & Certification Program Events
Tech Talk Webinars: Every Monday at 1:00 pm (and Some Mondays at 9:00 am)
October 19 |
Nutrient Management Module 10: Soil Sampling and Testing |
November 2 |
Earthfill Compaction |
November 9 |
Intro to Hydraulics |
November 16 |
Nutrient Management Module 6a: Water Quality and Nutrients |
November 23 |
Nutrient Management Module 6b: Minnesota’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy |
Related Partner Training Opportunities
October |
Oct 15 |
Construction Dewatering Workshop, MECA, Virtual
Oct 20-21 |
Minnesota Water Resources Conference, U of MN, online
Oct 28 |
Tree and Plant Identification: Mesic Hardwoods, UMN Extension, Webinar
Oct 29 |
Silvopasture in Minnesota, UMN Extension, Webinar
November |
Nov 4-5 |
SWCD Budget Training Course, MACDE, online
Nov 12-13 |
SWCD Budget Training Course, MACDE, online
Nov 17 |
Practical Measures of the Soil Microbiome, Soil Science Society of America, Webinar
Nov 18-19 |
SWCD Budget Training Course, MACDE, online
December |
Dec TBD |
MASWCD Annual Convention and Trade Show, MASWCD, Virtual/Online
Dec 1-2 |
SWCD Budget Training Course, MACDE, online
Dec 8 |
Standard Measurements for Soil Health, Soil Science Society of America, Webinar
January |
Jan 19 |
Soil Health Economics, Soil Science Society of America, Webinar
Not all training takes place in a classroom. Check out the links below to learn at a time and place of your choosing.
We’ve also put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics. You can visit BWSR's Online Learning page to find web-based technical training resources sorted by category.
Program Contacts