State Historic Preservation Review Board Vacancies
The Minnesota SHPO anticipates having several planned vacancies on the State Historic Preservation Review Board beginning 2023. They include an Architectural Historian, a historic Architect, a Historical Archaeologist, a Historian, and Member-at-Large positions. The board is comprised of 14 volunteer members. Eight members represent various academic disciplines--history, architectural history, architecture and archaeology and six members represent the public. The eight members representing academic disciplines must meet "the Secretary of the Interior's (Historic Preservation) Professional Qualifications Standards," which are part of the larger "Secretary's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation." Members of the public fill Member-At-Large positions and need to demonstrate competence, interest, or knowledge in historic preservation. The board's principal responsibility is to review documentation that nominates properties (historic districts, buildings, sites, structures and objects) to the National Register. The nominations represent a variety of properties from all over the state including farms, churches, archaeological sites, schools, opera houses, sailing vessels, bridges, highway waysides, fire stations, and even a ruin.
All terms are four years in length and all members are eligible for reappointment to one additional term. The board meets just four times a year (February, May, August and November) usually the 3rd Tuesday of the month. The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. and are approximately two hours in length. Currently meetings are held virtually, using WebEx but the SHPO is considering moving to a hybrid meeting environment sometime in 2023. An orientation meeting is held for new board members before their first meeting.
If you have an interest in these positions, please complete an application on the Secretary of State website It is only necessary to apply for one position to be considered for any open position on the board. Please include your resume and a letter of intent when applying.