The MI Student Aid team is happy to welcome you back for another exciting school year!
The MI Student Aid Outreach team has grown! Check out the updated MI Student Aid Outreach Regional Map to find your representative. The Outreach team offers a variety of events for students and families. For a complete listing of MI Student Aid events and to submit an event request, visit Outreach Event Request. We look forward to working with you and your students!
Get access to valuable student level data at your school by completing a MiSSG Data Use Agreement (DUA). In MiSSG, authorized users can view student records including: FAFSA completion data, SAT records, and eligibility for the Tuition Incentive Program (TIP). To access the 2022-23 DUA, visit our High School Counselor MiSSG Portal Resources.
As a reminder, all Data Use Agreements must be:
- Completed electronically and annually.
- Submitted via email to by the authorizing principal/superintendent.
MiSSG High School Counselor Training
New to MiSSG or need a refresher? Register for the MiSSG High School Counselors training!
The training will focus on the following topics:
- State Financial Aid program overview
- Live demonstration of the MiSSG High School Counselor Portal
- MiSSG student data overview
- MI Student Aid outreach services and support
Register today for the date/time that works best for you!
SCECH credit will be offered for these sessions.
Virtual Financial Aid Nights
Students and families looking for help paying for college are encouraged to register for a Virtual College Financial Aid Night provided by Michigan Department of Treasury’s MI Student Aid team. Participants will be able to gather information on the following financial aid topics:
- FAFSA application information
- Federal financial aid programs
- State financial aid programs
- Scholarship searching resources
All sessions are free of charge and open to the public. Registration information can be found on our Web site: Virtual Financial Aid Nights. Please share with your students and families!