Student Scholarships, Grants & Outreach (SSGO) Updates

Winter/Spring Certification/Reimbursement Requests – Deadline February 22nd

Certification and Requests for Reimbursements are still available for all programs for the following terms/semesters:

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring

To be included in the 2nd quarter payments (which will include the Futures for Frontliners Scholarship and Michigan Reconnect Scholarship), awards must be certified and reimbursements received successfully by the deadline of 5:00 p.m. on February 22, 2022

Please note, the Police Officer's and Fire Fighter's Survivor Tuition Grant operates on a different payment cycle. Institutions with eligible students will be contacted separately.

Did you Know – Certifying Not-enrolled Students for MCS and MTG

Institutions are strongly encouraged to certify known Michigan Competitive Scholarship (MCS) and Michigan Tuition Grant (MTG) students who are not enrolled as ‘No.’ This process will allow SSGO to release awards to students who may be on a waiting list.

MiSSG News Box Update

Check out the new look of the MiSSG News box.
