Action Required: View DC Feedback File

Michigan Office of Retirement Services - Message for Public School Employers

With the opportunity for your employees to opt out of the Small Steps campaign ending on Dec. 15, the DC Feedback File that reflects the changes will be available for you on Dec. 27. This file will provide you with which employees require changes to their reported Defined Contribution (DC) and Personal Healthcare Fund (PHF) contribution rates.

On Friday, Dec. 27, log in to the Reporting Website and click the View DC Feedback File link. Use the feedback file received on Dec. 27, 2019 to make the necessary updates. Refer to the Reporting Instruction Manual 7.21.06: View DC Feedback File for more information.

Please note: Ensure you update your own payroll system to reflect the increased contributions for those employees affected by the Small Steps campaign. If you do not, you run the risk of not withholding the amount of contributions that will be owed to ORS on your next full pay period end date after Dec. 27.

Finally, report those changes on the Detail 4 record using the Effective Report End Date displayed on the View DC Feedback File page.

If you need further assistance, contact ORS Employer Reporting at