Updated UAAL Remittance Advice for Universities available on Employer Information website

Michigan Office of Retirement Services - Message for Public School Employers

The UAAL Remittance Advice for Universities (R0411C) has been updated to show a new fax number (517-284-1859) for DTMB Financial Services. The updated form is available on the Reporting Forms page of the Employer Information website, under Other Forms. If faxing the form to Financial Services, please use the new fax number.  

Payments are due on the 7th business day after each pay cycle. Submit the form after the payments are made via ACH. 

Note: the employer contribution rates for pension and health UAAL for the new fiscal year are the same as last year. For more information about how to complete the form, see the Reporting Instruction Manual (RIM) section Completing the UAAL Remittance Advice for Universities (Non-Member/Non-ORP).

If you have questions, contact ORS Employer Reporting at ORS_Web_Reporting@michigan.gov.

*Non-member/non-ORP employees are individuals hired on or after January 1, 1996 (excluding full-time faculty and full-time administrators) who would have been required to be a MPSERS member if not for the enactment of Public Act 272 of 1995.