Audited schedules report and tables published on the GASB website
Michigan Office of Retirement Services sent this bulletin at 08/02/2019 10:30 AM EDTAudited schedules report and tables published on the GASB website
The GASB section of the Employer Information website has been updated. All GASB-related materials are now available on the website. New materials include:
The FYE 2018 GASB 68 and 75 report with data audited by the Office of the Auditor General, found on the Financial Reports page of the website.
Tables N5 and U5-9, found on the GASB 75 – Data Tables page. (Tables 1-4 were published in mid-July.) GASB 75 addresses Other Postemployment Benefits or OPEB – for MPSERS that refers to retiree healthcare benefits. Tables N5 and U5 are used to prepare both Pension and OPEB Required Supplementary Information (RSI) schedules.
- Updated sample Required Supplementary Information (RSI) schedules for GASB 75, found on the GASB 75 - RSI page.
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