Dear Licensed CPAs & Licensed Firms:
In partnership with our state Board of Accountancy and MICPA, we are providing this communication to offer clarification in earning CPE during this current cycle at a time when in-person courses are not recommended.
Given the current national emergency related to COVID-19 and also the state of emergency as declared by Governor Whitmer on March 10, 2020, including her most recent Executive Order 2020-21 (COVID-19) issued yesterday for Michiganders to “Stay Home, Stay Safe” to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) has recognized that the traditional in-person delivery of CPE is not possible and in conflict with the CDC recommendations and other authoritative orders.
From now through the end of the education cycle on June 30, 2020, the State of Michigan will recognize CPE that is taken through all electronic means, including webinars, self-study, e-learning, etc. relative to fulfillment of CPA license renewal requirements for accounting and auditing (A & A), ethics (including Michigan-specific ethics) and general education hours. To find out what CPE courses are being offered online, webinar, or e-learning LARA encourages you to go to the MICPA website at
Deb Gagliardi, Director Bureau of Professional Licensing (BPL)
Brian DeBano, Director BPL Licensing Division