June 2024
MVH D.J. Jacobetti's 27th Annual Golf Outing: June 27
There are many, many things and people that make MVH D.J. Jacobetti (MVHDJJ) a special place for the members that call it home. It's a nursing home for veterans, sure, but it's much more than that. As a part of the community, the home also represents the commitment we each have to those men and women who've nobly stood to serve our nation: a promise that they stood for us, and now we're there to support them when they need it most. It's a commitment from our citizenry that our veterans deserve the best care and quality of life our nation is able to provide.
You can be a part of that special mission as well. On June 27th, 2024, MVHDJJ will host its 27th Annual Golf Outing at the Marquette Golf Club's Heritage Course. The day will include a scramble, lunch, and prizes, as well as camaraderie and friendship for all involved in supporting the great cause. All proceeds from the event will be deposited in the Home's Charitable Support Fund. Anne Zerbe, MVH's Executive Director, shared, "Jacobetti is special and iconic in the Upper Peninsula for many reasons. One huge reason is the generosity and passion the U.P. community has for the Home and its members. It's that generosity that allows us to provide a better quality of life for Jacobetti veterans. This golf outing is just one of many examples how the broader community 'shows up' to support Jacobetti members. For that, and for the community, we're humbled and grateful."
MVHDJJ is seeking 4-person teams, as well as event sponsors for the outing.
Get more information on registration and sponsorship opportunities at MVH D.J. Jacobetti 27th Annual Golf Outing (michigan.gov).
We've much to celebrate and be grateful for at Michigan Veteran Homes, and the last month has provided us with numerous opportunities to share our gratitude. For example,
- May 5-11 was Public Service Recognition Week;
- May 6-12 was National Nurses Week; and
- May 12-18 was Skilled Nursing Care Week.
May is also, of course, Military Appreciation Month, Month of the Military Caregiver, and includes Victory in Europe Day, Military Spouse Appreciation Day, Armed Forces Day, and Memorial Day, as well as other days to reflect upon, celebrate, and/or appreciate.
At MVH, we're grateful for those we serve, grateful for the staff and volunteers we have serving our veterans, grateful for those men and women still wearing the uniform, and incredibly grateful to those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. Sometimes words don't do such gratitude justice. Instead, we strive to live lives worthy of such a sacrifice.
It's been a great May, and we're grateful to so many, for so much. We're also told a special week in June may be forthcoming, intent on celebrating the important mission of MVH. We're keeping watch, and are always eager to celebrate and recognize our veterans, teammates, volunteers, and mission!
It poured rain. And then maybe twenty minutes before start time, skies cleared and clouds parted, and MVH at Chesterfield Twp (MVHCT) kicked off its first open-to-the-public Annual Remembrance Walk and 5k. Following colors, the pledge of allegiance, and national anthem, Chesterfield Twp. Supervisor Brad Kersten provided remarks to kick off the event, and participants joined MVHCT veteran members, staff, and volunteers for a long walk and roll around the Veterans Home in honor of those we serve, and those no longer with us. The Remembrance Walk was followed by a timed 5k Run/Walk, where Macomb County Commissioner Phil Kraft set the pace and ensured runners stayed on course, while other MVHCT members were pushed in chariots for the duration of the 5k, thanks to the Agape Project.
Following the race, rollers, walkers, and runners returned to the start line for a hot dog luncheon and a silent auction of more than 60 baskets/items generously donated by businesses from the broader community. It was an awesome way for our veterans, community members, families, volunteers, staff, and others to spend their Saturday morning: fun for all involved, and honoring those who served us.
Smiles were plentiful, and the morning event raised tens of thousands of dollars for the MVH at Chesterfield Township Charitable Support Fund, supporting quality of life initiatives, equipment, and programming for members of the Home. MVHCT is grateful for the selfless support of so many volunteers, donors, and sponsors that made the event a success for our veterans. Keep an eye out for next year's event date, and in the meantime, find your way to support MVH at Chesterfield Township through your time, talents, treasures, ties, or testimony. Each of us can make a difference in the lives of veterans.
Three years ago, our friends at the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency started the "Michigan Veterans Leadership Summit," as a means to bring together leaders in veteran-serving organizations from the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors to learn from one another, network, and grow. This year in early May, the summit brought more than 200 attendees to DTE Energy Headquarters in downtown Detroit, and was a resounding success.
MVH was grateful for the opportunity to present at the summit, and share our work and updates in veteran long-term care. "It's an opportunity to keep our stakeholders informed, build collaboration, and ensure transparency," said Tiffany Carr, Community Engagement Coordinator for MVH. "The excellent work our team is doing in later-in-life and end-of-life care for veterans is meaningful, impactful work. And there are so many ways community members and organizations can connect to and support our special mission - but they need to know how - and this is one opportunity to share 'the how'."
Read more about the 2024 summit at Third Michigan Veterans Leadership Summit gives service providers ways to collaborate on how best to serve Michigan veterans.
MVH at Grand Rapids (MVHGR) was blessed again this year with a humbling opportunity to honor the fallen going into Memorial Day weekend. Scouts of America troops from around the west Michigan region convened at the MVHGR campus on May 22nd to enjoy hot dogs, snacks, and refreshments sponsored by the UPS Veteran Business Resource Group, and then joined hundreds of community members in placing more than 5,400 flags at the headstones of veterans who make the cemetery their final resting place.
In addition to scouts, their families, UPS team members, and MVH staff and volunteers, organizations came out to support and participate in the event as well. Mercantile Bank, Meijer, SpartanNash, and other organizations were proudly in attendance to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice, and the West Michigan Chapter of the Michigan State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution presented the colors.
Anne Zerbe, MVH's Executive Director, stated, "MVH has the important privilege and responsibility to serve the living: those who wore the uniform, and are thankfully still with us. We're duly honored to pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Memorial Day gives us that opportunity, and this event is an opportunity to connect our youth and broader community to the importance of service, and sacrifice. We live the lives we do today, because brave men and women stood before us, giving the greatest gift: their lives. Today, and everyday, we strive to honor their sacrifices."
Read more about the event at Volunteers plant 5,400 flags at veterans’ gravesites.
 MVH D.J. Jacobetti Replacement Home Location:
Marquette Township
At their May 2024 meeting, the Michigan Veterans' Facility Authority (MVFA) Board of Directors expressed their intent and desire to move forward on a location in Marquette Township for the replacement home of MVH D.J. Jacobetti. While not 'final,' MVH and the MVFA are excited to move forward on the new $96+M home that will serve veterans for generations to come. Much remains to be done regarding site assessments and evaluations, property acquisition, and additional factors that may impact that expressed intention.
The announcement of Marquette Township was covered by some local news outlets, and more can be read at the links below. MVH's website will be updated with information as the project progresses. MVH encourages interested parties to visit www.michigan/gov/MVH and then click on "Locations," then "The NEW MVH D.J. Jacobetti" for the latest available information on the project.
State plans to build replacement veterans home in Marquette Township
Marquette Twp. now eyed as potential location for new D.J. Jacobetti Home for Veterans
State pursuing property in Marquette Township for new Jacobetti Home for Veterans
It's never too early to consider the legacy you'll leave behind you when you go. How and where one chooses to leave their assets when they leave this world behind is a very serious - and very personal - decision. It's about legacy. The causes worth supporting and organizations doing incredible work are plentiful, and MVH supports giving to the causes you care about, to organizations you believe in, for a legacy meaningful to you and your loved ones.
If you're connected to our work in veteran long-term care, we hope we've earned your trust - through our impact - as one of those potential options. MVH's statutorily created Charitable Support Fund receives all donated funds not directed for the benefit or use of the State - separate from operational funds - and are expended by approval of our governing board to benefit members of the Homes. If you're not connected to our work, we invite you into our mission to see for yourself the impact we're having on veteran lives. You can visit for one of the many community-facing opportunities at each MVH facility, or contact us at DMVA-MVHgiving@michigan.gov to come for an individual visit.
We do more for veteran quality of life in late-in-life and end-of-life care because of the generosity of community. If you're considering how to leave your legacy, consider Michigan Veteran Homes. Check out our Planned Giving page, or contact us by email at DMVA-MVHgiving@michigan.gov.
Donations to Michigan Veteran Homes are tax-deductible under 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Michigan Veteran Homes are making a difference in the lives of Michigan veterans and their loved ones. Join us.
Want to learn more about participating in the representative democracy our veterans stood to protect? Visit the Michigan Voter Information Center.