MiTracking Updates - Tracking Awareness Week July 17-21

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Tracking Awareness Week 2023

Tracking Awareness Week: July 17-21

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program is celebrating the eighth annual Tracking Awareness Week ( The theme of this year’s Tracking Awareness Week is “Data for Action.” CDC, state and local health departments, and other partners are coming together to highlight important nationwide environmental health issues and recognize the work of the Tracking Program. Each day they will highlight the Tracking Program’s useful tools and resources, unique data, and successes in informing public health actions to keep communities safe and healthy.

Daily Topics

The daily topics for this year are:

• Monday: Innovation

• Tuesday: Health equity

• Wednesday: Data in action

• Thursday: Collaboration

• Friday: Data modernization

Get Involved!


Make sure to share Tracking Awareness Week social media posts. Find posts by following Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) accounts on Facebook and Twitter @MichiganHHS. The CDC Tracking Program will also be posting on Facebook and Twitter throughout the week. Join in and share by following #DataForAction!

Twitter Chat

Mark your calendars! The CDC Tracking Program is hosting a Twitter chat on Thursday, July 20, at 2 p.m. ET. You can use the hashtags #TAW2023 and #DataForAction to ask questions and discuss Tracking Awareness Week’s daily topics. 
