MiTracking February 2023
Michigan Dept of Health & Human Services sent this bulletin at 02/17/2023 12:37 PM ESTPortal News
Updated Data
Annual childhood blood lead levels (by 2010 zip code boundaries, and county)
Total population of children.
Number and percent of children tested for lead.
Number and percent of children tested with an elevated blood lead level (EBLL*).
Number and percent of children tested with a venous elevated BLL by BLL range.
All Drug Mortality (Deaths).
Opioid Mortality (Deaths).
*EBLL defined as 3.5 μg/dL or higher, Michigan’s new, lowered blood lead reference value.
New Data
Drug Poisoning
Non-fatal drug poisoning emergency department visits (2018-2020).
Non-fatal drug poisoning hospitalizations (2016-2020).
Non-fatal opioid emergency department visits (2018-2020).
Non-fatal opioid hospitalizations (2016-2020).
Pesticide Illness and Injury (aggregate years 2003-2020)
Work-Related pesticide illnesses and injuries.
Total pesticide illnesses and injuries.
Number of animals tested for rabies at MDHHS.
Number of animals that tested positive for rabies.
Spotlight: New Rabies Data
MiTracking now has rabies information and rabies data on the data portal. Data are available for the numbers of animals tested for rabies and animals that tested positive for rabies. Rabies is a deadly but preventable viral disease. There are about 60 animal rabies cases reported each year in Michigan. About 90% of Michigan rabies infections are in bats. Human deaths from rabies are rare in the U.S.
This dataset was created from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Bureau of Laboratories StarLIMS system. The system tracks animals submitted to MDHHS for rabies testing. For more technical information about the content, quality, and context of the data, go to rabies metadata. The data have historically been shared on the MDHHS Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious Diseases’ (EZID) Michigan Zoonotic and Vector-borne Disease Mapper. MiTracking is collaborating with EZID to bring zoonotic and vector-borne disease to the MiTracking data portal.
Virtual Presentations
- MiTracking is a great online resource covering a range of environmental health topics. We are now offering VIRTUAL presentations and trainings on how to use the portal. If you are interested in a FREE training, email us at Check out the MiTracking Brochure.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) does not discriminate against any individual or group on the basis of race, national origin, color, sex, disability, religion, age, height, weight, familial status, partisan considerations, or genetic information. Sex-based discrimination includes, but is not limited to, discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sex characteristics, and pregnancy.
MDHHS-Pub-1635 (12-22)