Welcome to the SHOARS Line newsletter! As a user of SHOARS, you will receive this newsletter any time we have important news and updates to share about the system. Your feedback is important to us, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at MDHHS-SHOARS-SUPPORT@Michigan.gov. Thank you for being a valued partner of the Division of HIV and STI Programs.
SHOARS Has Been Updated with Some Improvements.
These updates are mostly cosmetic and aimed to improve your experience when using SHOARS. Here’s how we’ve improved SHOARS for you:
Grant Management Related Functions
We’ve updated the “Submit Amendment Request” language to “Create Contract Amendment Request”. Instead of seeing “Submit Amendment Request” you will now see “Create Contract Amendment Request”.
- We’ve added more Submit buttons and made it easier for you to locate them.
Materials, Supplies, & Data Request Related Functions
We’ve added a disclaimer to the Supply Order Request Form to inform you that some items may end up being out of stock, discontinued, or unavailable per contractual agreements.
We’ve added some new communication materials for you to request from us. Be sure to log in to SHOARS and navigate to the Supply Order Request Form to check those out!
- We’ve added DCH File Transfer to the Technical Assistance Request Form. You can now request assistance with DCH File Transfer if you need it.
For a more in-depth look at everything that has been updated, click here.
SHOARS is dynamic and will continue to evolve. For us to make SHOARS the best system it can be, we need your input! The more you interact with SHOARS and share your experience, the more improvements we can make. Have some suggestions on how we can improve the SHOARS experience, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
How Are We Doing?
Please take the next 5 minutes to complete this brief survey on how you think we are doing with training and communicating about SHOARS. Your responses will help us gauge the effectiveness of our training materials and identify potential gaps in information. In addition, you’ll have an opportunity to ask any remaining questions about SHOARS.
Thank You for Reading the SHOARS Line.