Volunteers Needed, New Zoom Backgrounds Available

Protect Michigan Commission

Vaccination Site Volunteers Needed

The Michigan Volunteer Registry is an internet-based system designed for the advance registration and credential verification of volunteers. The Registry provides a secure, electronic environment for volunteers to indicate their interests and contact information. In the event of an accidental, natural, intentional, or other public health or medical emergency, the Registry functions as a central location for volunteer information. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Michigan Volunteer Registry has served as the central point of volunteer registration. Both Local Health Departments and Regional Healthcare Coalitions have called upon volunteers to assist with vaccinations and to augment staff in healthcare settings. Volunteers are crucial to the mission and always welcome to join the Michigan Volunteer Registry.

Please keep these items in mind upon registering with the Michigan Volunteer Registry:

  • Please fill the profiles out completely when registering.
  • All volunteers registering will have their licensure credentialed and a background check complete.
  • Please allow at least 10 days to process profile information.
  • Upon registering, you will be contacted based on the needs of the community. Please be aware, you may not be called upon immediately.
  • Communication will be sent to both your Michigan Volunteer Registry account and to your email, if volunteers are requested.

If interested in joining the Michigan Volunteer Registry, please visit http://mivolunteerregistry.org to sign-up.

PMC Zoom Backgrounds

New pre-made Zoom backgrounds are available to download and use during your virtual calls with colleagues, family and friends. Click here to download these backgrounds today.

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