Let's get Vacc to Normal, and help share your Why
Michigan Dept of Health & Human Services sent this bulletin at 04/29/2021 04:25 PM EDTThe Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Protect Michigan Commission have launched new television spots this week featuring stories from Michiganders on why they chose to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
The spots open with the question asked to community members featured in the ads: “Why did you get vaccinated?” One woman responded, “Because I’m 24 weeks pregnant and we wanted to protect our baby boy.” Another man shared, “To be able to hug my mom again. I haven’t been able to hug her in over a year.” One woman said that her “why” was her best friend, who passed away from COVID-19 the day before her birthday.
The spots were recorded April 16, outside the Ford Field vaccination site in Detroit, and April 23, outside a Detroit Medical Center vaccination location at the Northwest Activity Center in Detroit. Future spots may be filmed in other parts of the state in the coming weeks.
More than 2.7 million Michiganders are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (33.7% of residents), and more than 3.5 million have received their first dose of the safe and effective vaccine. More than 6.3 million doses have been administered as of April 25. The state’s goal remains to vaccinate 70% of Michiganders 16 and older as quickly as possible.
We encourage you to watch these powerful spots and share these, along with YOUR WHY for receiving the vaccine, with your networks!

MI Vacc to Normal
Governor Gretchen Whitmer today set the state of Michigan on a pathway to return to normal by unveiling the ‘MI Vacc to Normal’ plan as the state continues to push toward its goal of vaccinating 70% of Michiganders ages 16 years or older. To facilitate this goal, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) will base future epidemic order actions on four vaccination-based milestones that, once achieved, will enable Michigan to take a step toward normalcy.
Since Governor Whitmer asked Michiganders to double down on smart public health policies on April 9, Michigan has made significant progress to slow the spread of COVID-19 and save lives. The number of daily cases has dropped from 649.9 cases per million to 439.3 cases per million, the percent of positive tests has declined from 18.3% to 13.2%, and the number hospitalizations has fallen from 3,780 to 3,520.
Recently, Michigan reached another vaccination milestone in record time -- administering more than six million doses of the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, with the latest one million doses being administered in 11 days. Although progress has been made, it is crucial that Michiganders continue to mask up and socially distance as the state takes steps to get back to normal. It is also crucial for everyone to get their second doses of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, which Michiganders have been doing at a rate of 96.4%, above the national average.
The ‘MI Vacc to Normal’ plan will use four vaccination-based milestones -- using data for Michiganders 16 years or older who’ve received their first dose -- to guide future steps required to get back to normal:
55% of Michiganders (4,453,304 residents), plus two weeks
- Allows in-person work for all sectors of business.
60% of Michiganders (4,858,150 residents), plus two weeks
- Increases indoor capacity at sports stadiums to 25%.
- Increases indoor capacity at conference centers/banquet halls/funeral homes to 25%.
- Increases capacity at exercise facilities and gyms to 50%.
- Lifts the curfew on restaurants and bars.
65% of Michiganders (5,262,996 residents), plus two weeks
- Lifts all indoor % capacity limits, requiring only social distancing between parties.
- Further relaxes limits on residential social gatherings.
70% of Michiganders (5,667,842 residents), plus two weeks
- Lifts the Gatherings and Face Masks Order such that MDHHS will no longer employ broad mitigation measures unless unanticipated circumstances arise, such as the spread of vaccine-resistant variants.
To date, Michigan has administered 6,657,997 vaccines. Currently, 48.8% of Michiganders ages 16 and older have received at least one dose, with 35.9% percent of Michiganders ages 16 and older being fully vaccinated, moving the state closer to its goal of equitably vaccinating at least 70% of Michiganders ages 16 and older as soon as possible. Help share this strategy with your networks using the graphic below.