Protect Michigan Commission Weekly Newsletter
March 30, 2021
Beginning next week, all Michigan residents 16 and older will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. As Michigan faces increasing cases, Gov. Whitmer has urged all providers to not turn someone away who wants the vaccine.
"Because the quicker we can get to that 70 percent-plus (vaccinated) number, the better for every one of us," said Gov. Whitmer.
Starting on Monday, April 5, all residents are encouraged to sign up for the vaccine:
Check the website of your local health department or hospital to find out their process or for registration forms (map of local health departments); or
Check additional vaccination sites, such as local pharmacies like Meijer, Rite Aid, Kroger, Walmart (Mid/Central and Northern MI) or Snyder Drugs (U.P. residents); or
Residents who don't have access to the internet or who need assistance navigating the vaccine scheduling process can call the COVID-19 Hotline at 888-535-6136 (press 1) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
March 26, 2021 PMC Meeting Recap
On Friday, March 26, the Protect Michigan Commission met to discuss vaccination numbers to date, stakeholder workgroup report outs, a new ad aimed at seniors, and some additional calls to action for commission members. The presentations can be found here and the full meeting recording is available for viewing as well.
Below are important updates to share with your networks. Please use the images to the right and text below to share on your social channels.
4 Million Doses
Michigan has administered more than 4,000,000 COVID-19 vaccinations. Let’s keep up the momentum, Michigan! Get your COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it’s available to you so we can end the pandemic. Find yours at Michigan.gov/COVIDvaccine. #MIDoseofHope
April 5 Eligibility
Ride to Dose of Hope
If there is ever a time that we should come together as a community and serve those with the greatest need, it is now. As Michigan and the nation work to distribute COVID-19 vaccines, transit systems are helping the efforts by giving you a ride to your dose of hope. #SpreadHopeNotCOVID #MIDoseofHope
Spotlight on the News
After opening last week, mobile sites and the mass regional vaccine site at Detroit's Ford Field vaccinated more than 13,000 through Friday.
More vaccination clinics opening across Michigan as supply increases, and Crain's Detroit Business did a special feature identifying sites across the state.
Governor Whitmer visited the Battle Creek Family YMCA which has administered more than 20,000 shots so far and a site in Benton Harbor.
Members of the Senior Workgroup talked about how the getting the vaccine means they will get back to the things they love with AARP Real Possibilities.
Dondre Young, Youth Workgroup Chair, discussed vaccine education efforts for ages 16-30.
Upcoming Meetings
Tuesday, March 30
9 a.m. - Labor/Workforce Workgroup
Wednesday, March 31
3 p.m. - Local Government Workgroup
4 p.m. - Middle Eastern Workgroup
Thursday, April 1
2 p.m. - Youth Workgroup
If you'd like to join one of these or a different workgroup from our list, please email ProtectMICommission@michigan.gov.
COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard
Vaccination data will be updated Monday - Saturday from the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR).
COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization Guidance
This guidance outlines the strategy for vaccine prioritization for the State of Michigan and will be used by MDHHS, as well as public health and health care, as they allocate and administer vaccines.
COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs
Frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccines. The information in this document will change frequently as we learn more about COVID-19 vaccines.