Noontime Knowledge for March 11, 2021-Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Update
Michigan Dept of Health & Human Services sent this bulletin at 03/05/2021 03:00 PM ESTHello Immunization Partners,
We wanted to let you know about an upcoming educational opportunity. MDHHS is hosting biweekly (every other week) COVID-19 updates on specific hot topics with a question-and-answer session. Our next update will be held Thursday March 11, 2021 at 12:00p.m. This discussion will cover the new Janssen COVID-19 vaccine (Johnson and Johnson). This will be a 30-45 minute presentation with time for Q & A.
Prior to this week’s update, we would like to provide you with the following resources:
- Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Information | CDC
- Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC – Updated March 3, 2021 (list of updates is detailed out at the top of this site)
- Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Official Website
- Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit ( – Updated March 4, 2021 to include Janssen vaccine
- MI_COVID-19_Vaccination_Prioritization_Guidance_2152021_716344_7.pdf ( – Updated March 3, 2021
- Possible Side Effects After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine | CDC
- Management of Anaphylaxis at COVID-19 Vaccination Sites | CDC
Zoom link for March 11, 2021:
- Passcode: Z0BAh1
- One tap mobile: +16366513141, 638846# US Toll; +18774029753, 638846# US Toll-free
- Dial: USA 636 651 3141; USA 877 402 9753 (US Toll Free); Conference Code: 638846
Please see the attached flyer for additional details! This opportunity is open to health care workers and COVID-19 providers, as well as those who work or volunteer in health care. You do not need to register ahead of time and no CEUs will be offered.
Thank you for all your hard work to protect Michiganders from vaccine-preventable diseases!
-The Immunization Nurse Education Team, Andrea, Heidi, Maria, and Terri