Watch a Northern Michigan community come together to vaccinate

Protect Michigan Commission

The Protect Michigan Commission is dedicated to getting communities in every corner of the state the information they need to ensure that every Michigander who wants an approved COVID-19 vaccine can get a vaccine.

While all Michigan communities have been pulling together resources and partnering with organizations to set up vaccine sites, some are stepping up with a lot of planning and creativity.

We want to share the important work being done in Northern Michigan.

In 10 days, the Grand Traverse County Health Department, Michigan National Guard, Northwestern Michigan College and additional county departments planned, organized and created a huge vaccination site. The site, located on the NMC campus has 10 lanes for quick, efficient shot distribution and is designed to be on site for as long as the community needs it.

You can watch it all come together, from site drawings to vaccine distribution, in this heartwarming video: (

Be sure to share it with your networks and let them know about the life-saving work being done in Grand Traverse County.

If you know of a Michigan community working hard to distribute the vaccine in effective and innovative ways, let us know at so that we can share best practices and success stories of vaccine distribution!