The Michigan Update
The Michigan Volunteer Registry (MVR) allows individuals to pre-register, undergo a criminal background check and have their medical credentials verified prior to deployment to assist in an incident. The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and the Michigan Mortuary Operational Response Team (MI-MORT) use the MVR to support programmatic response operations in dynamic ways that continue to grow the capacity of the state’s volunteer network.
Recently, MRC volunteers assisted with long term recovery and mental health services, nursing aid, restoring power, sheltering, and other duties, like cleanup crews in the wake of hurricanes in the Bahamas and Florida. MI-MORT used data from the MVR to expose potential staffing gaps and to develop a targeted recruitment initiative with expert partners to fill those gaps.
Using the Michigan Volunteer Registry >>
News & Articles
Alice Frame - MDHHS Disabilities Health Unit Coordinator
Emergency preparedness starts long before a disaster, and often begins in a conference room with experts gathered around a table. You have state and local public health workers, emergency responders, preparedness experts, epidemiologists and law enforcement all together in a room, each bringing their unique perspective. However, there is an important facet of the population’s needs not represented here – people with disabilities. It’s important to have disability advocates and disability health professionals involved in decision making, but it’s even more important to have people who have disabilities present.
Bringing People with Disabilities to the Table >>
A single dose of VSV-Ebola virus vaccine — approximately one-millionth of what is in the vaccine being used in the outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo —remains fully protective against disease in experimentally infected monkeys, according to National Institutes of Health scientists. These findings could mean vaccines could stretch farther, making them more available, and reduce adverse reactions.
Low Dose VSV-EBOV Vaccine >>
Tools & Resources
Child care providers are required by the state to develop emergency plans. Local support from emergency partners can assure that providers are equipped to care for kids during incidents. Here are a few tools to start the conversation with child care providers:
LARA's Licensed Provider Map identifies all currently licensed childcare providers.
Michigan Department of Education's Child Development & Care program has a child care provider search tool to look up provider contact information. (Click on "Login as a guest".)
Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Resources for Child Care Programs provides planning resources for child care centers to develop emergency plans.
Trainings & Events
 Apr. 22 - 23, 2020
Sharing the latest knowledge and best practices for diagnosis, surveillance, and reporting of communicable diseases.
Audience: Communicable disease program staff in local Michigan health departments, physicians, nurses and medical directors.
Registration opens February 2020.
Additional details are available on the conference website.
The Guardian of Public Health is a monthly newsletter from the Bureau of EMS, Trauma and Preparedness (BETP) within the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). The Guardian aims to provide readers with relevant content on topics that affect the public health of Michigan's citizens and communities. |
This publication was supported by Cooperative Agreement number 1NU90TP922062-01-00, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.
Bureau of EMS, Trauma & Preparedness | 1001 Terminal Rd, Lansing, MI 48906 | 517-335-8150