BETP Employee Recognized Nationally for Excellence and Making an Impact

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BETP Employee Recognized Nationally for Excellence and Making an Impact

Craig Henry-Jones, the Michigan Health Alert Network Coordinator, who has been with the Bureau of EMS, Trauma and Preparedness (BETP) for nearly 15 years, was recognized nationally for his dedication to the mission of preparedness, resiliency, and excellence in commitment to a cause by long-time State of Michigan vendor, Juvare.  Juvare is the provider of innovative emergency response software solutions, like the Health Alert Network, EMResource, eICS and WebEOC.

Craig Henry-Jones Receiving award

Craig Henry-Jones recieving his award at the May 2019 Juvare National Exchange Conference.

Henry-Jones received the William Ryan Honorary Award for Excellence at the Juvare 19th annual national exchange conference held in May 2019. The award is named in honor of the late Bill Ryan, founder of one of Juvare’s technologies as well as a dedicated volunteer first responder and EMT who worked tirelessly in the aftermath of 9/11 to transport victims from Ground Zero to local hospitals.  Ryan developed lung cancer from the exposure and died in 2018 at the age of 50.  Much like Mr. Ryan, this award was designed to recognize an individual with a passion for what they believe in, with the drive to excel, all while elevating those around them.

Sam Klietz, Juvare Senior Vice President, Chief Client Officer said, “For years Craig has demonstrated an attention to detail and an appreciation for his responsibilities managing the Health Alert Network on behalf of the State of Michigan. Why Craig stands out is his ability to dig deep into the understanding of the Juvare technologies to ensure they not only meet the needs of Michigan, but to go beyond and look for opportunities to better all HAN programs across the country.” Klietz went on to explain, “This level of engagement has helped Juvare prioritize technology enhancements and fixes that otherwise may have been prioritized differently. These changes have impacted the broader HAN community for the better.” 

Established by BETP in 2003 (then Office of Public Health Preparedness), the Michigan Health Alert Network, or MIHAN, is a secure, web-based system used for emergency notification and communication.  The MIHAN is used to alert key public health, healthcare and public safety personnel of conditions that could adversely impact the health and safety of Michigan's citizens as well as provide situational awareness about important but non-emergency health-related information.  Henry-Jones, currently a departmental specialist, has worked on MIHAN development, quality assurance and ensuring the highest level of user support since he joined the program in 2005.  BETP congratulates Craig Henry-Jones on his award and shares in Juvare’s recognition of a job well done.