The monthly hepatitis A vaccine sitrep is due to the CHECC on the third Thursday of the month. The next reporting day is Thursday, November 15. Send your report to no later than 12:00 Noon. Here is a sample Hep A Sitrep form.
All State of Michigan offices will be closed November 22 and 23 in observance of Thanksgiving. If there is an emergency during that time, contact the CHECC Duty Officer at 517-819-0391.
A meeting of all LHD EPCs and tribal health partners will take place in Grand Rapids on May 6 and 7, 2019 prior to the Great Lakes Homeland Security conference. Mark your calendars! Stay tuned for more information.
The LHD Work Plan v.2.0 is attached. There are three updates to the work plan to note: • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has retired IS-250 from its list of online courses. The content of this course has been integrated into IS-800.c (National Response Framework). Activity 2 and Attachment 1 have been revised accordingly. • The due date for the HVA has been added to the Evidence-Based Benchmarks section. • The regional points of contact page was updated considering the staff changes at DREPR.
LHD Work Plan for BP1S v.2.0
As outlined in the evidence-based benchmarks section of the BP1-S LHD Work Plan, local health departments are asked to submit an updated Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) using the ASPR-developed Healthcare and Public Health Sector Risk Assessment Tool.
After downloading the tool, all files must be extracted from the zip file and saved. Macros must be enabled within Excel before using. Completed modules in the toolkit should be submitted as Excel files to the mailbox with a CC to the regional POC. For issues, questions or problems using this toolkit, contact
DEPR would also like to clarify the following items mentioned during the November 8th PHEP Partners’ Call:
- Local health departments that participated in the BP1 pilot of the HVA tool are not required to resubmit in BP1-SUPP.
- At a minimum, DEPR suggests that local health departments limit their completion of the Rapid Infrastructure Survey Tool – Consequence and Criticality Module (RIST-C) to the top five hazards identified in their Threat/Hazard Assessment Module (THAM).
- DEPR intends to host a series of virtual technical assistance sessions for local health departments in early 2019. Details will be released in a future PHEP Update.
Please contact Jason Smith at with any questions.
Healthcare and Public Health (HPH) Sector Risk Assessment Methodology
On November 21 from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (EST) Dr. Don Edwards, Medical Director for the Region 1 and Region 8 healthcare coalitions (HCC) will present a webinar that will review recent disasters, mass casualty incidents and other types of incidents. Dr. Edwards will also discuss the importance of planning for these large-scale events, and how to minimize mistakes before they happen.
1 EMS Credit: Operations - Emergency Preparedness is available to participants.
Register through MI-TRAIN Course ID 1081419 For questions: email
Recognizing that demand may exceed supply at the onset of a pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has developed updated interim guidance using pandemic severity categories based on the current CDC Pandemic Severity Assessment Framework. Several new elements have been incorporated into the 2018 guidelines to update and provide interim guidance for planning purposes, and to provide the rationale for a new vaccination program during a pandemic allowing for local adjustment where appropriate.
Interim Updated Planning Guidance on Allocating and Targeting Pandemic Influenza Vaccine during an Influenza Pandemic
Additionally, please refer to the following Pandemic Influenza resources:
The four-part POD Essentials Train-the-Trainer virtual course prepares state, local, tribal, and territorial public health instructors to deliver the POD Essentials course to local audiences. POD Essentials is an introductory-level course designed by CDC for staff and volunteers new to working at a point-of-dispensing (POD) site during a public health emergency. These virtual sessions explain the process of preparing and presenting the customizable POD Essentials course that can incorporate jurisdiction-specific plans, policies, and procedures. Please visit CDC Train for a more detailed course description and registration details. CDC encourages state, local, tribal, and territorial public health instructors to register for the four-part course.
Session Dates*:
- January 10, 2019
- January 15, 2019
- January 17, 2019
- January 23, 2019
*Participants must be able to participate in all four sessions to register for the course.
Additional offerings of the virtual instructor-led RealOpt PODs class are now available. RealOpt PODs is a computer modeling program, which can help MCM planners design POD sites and vaccination clinics. The free virtual classes provide participants with a better understanding of the functions of the RealOpt© computer modeling program and its usefulness in validating POD throughput rates and staff resource allocations. CDC encourages POD managers, local and state MCM planners, and other preparedness staff members to enroll in this three-hour course through CDC Train.
Visit CDC Train to register for one of the following training dates:
- December 6, 2018
- January 9, 2019
- February 13, 2019
- March 7, 2019
- April 11, 2019