PHEP Update - June 21, 2018


June 21, 2018  

In this update:

BP1-17 LHD End-of-Year Progress Report

The BP1-17 end-of-year progress reporting tool for LHDs is now available online.  The SurveyMonkey tool covers the reporting period of January 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018.  A PDF of the mid-year survey questions is linked below for reference; however, the report must be submitted online using the survey link. The report must be completed no later than July 27, 2018 as stated in the work plan. 


BP1-17 LHD Work Plan – Q4 Deliverables

As a reminder, the following quarter four BP1-17 LHD Work Plan deliverables are due by June 29, 2018:


  • 2.1 - NIMS Compliance
  • 5.1 - Pandemic Influenza Plan/Self-Assessment
  • 7.1 - Staff Assembly Drill/Performance Data (Survey Monkey)
  • 9.1 - Redundant Communications Drill
  • 11.1 - IMATS Update
  • 11.2 - IMATS Drill
  • 14.1 - TEPW documentation
  • 15.1 - ORR Action Plan Update


Note: Deliverable 18.2 for the Whole Community Inclusion (WCI) 5-Year Strategy Timeline was moved to quarter one of BP1-S. Activity 18 for BP1-17 was met by attending the WCI session at the LHD & Tribal EPC Annual Meeting.

BP1-S LHD Work Plan

The BP1-S LHD Work Plan has been finalized. The Health Officer signature page is due July 6, 2018. As a reminder, the current version of the work plan and supplemental materials will be maintained in the MIHAN document library in the following folder: Local Health > EPC GENERAL > PHEP BP1-S (2018-2019).

BP1-17 LHD & Tribal EPC Annual Meeting Follow Up

Summary Report, Presentations, Tribal Roundtable Notes, and Follow-up Materials



Long-Term Prophylaxis Workshop Materials



Pre- and Post-Meeting Survey Results



CDC CERC Webinar

CDC is presenting a Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) webinar on Messages and Audiences on July 11, 2018 at 2:00 PM EDT. Registration is not required. The webinar will provide guidance on how to understand audience(s) in an emergency, adapt messaging to reach and promote action in different audience segments, and how to use facts to build credibility and trust. For more information about CERC, visit the CDC CERC website.

RealOpt© Web-based Training

Additional training dates are now available for the virtual instructor-facilitated RealOpt© training on point-of-dispensing (POD) sites. These free, virtual training sessions lead participants through the components of RealOpt©, a computer modeling program that examines staff resources and dispensing efficiency. With this tool, participants will learn to manipulate existing POD and vaccine flow models and then run and interpret the reports RealOpt© generates.  At the end of these three-hour sessions participants will discover how to build or modify their own models to identify staff needed, where best to allocate them, how to eliminate bottlenecks and optimize processing times. Interested participants may register for one of the following upcoming course dates. 


  • July 16, 2018
  • August 16, 2018
  • September 20, 2018
  • October 18, 2018
  • November 8, 2018 

POD Essentials Train-the-Trainer Course

This three-day course prepares state, local, tribal, and territorial public health instructors to deliver the POD Essentials course to local audiences. POD Essentials is an introductory course designed by CDC for staff and volunteers new to working in POD sites during a public health emergency. The hands-on train-the-trainer course walks participants through the process of preparing and presenting the POD Essentials course, including how to incorporate jurisdiction-specific plans, policies, and procedures. The course also includes facilitation tips for adding dynamic and engaging features into the course.


This course is hosted at the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) in Anniston, Ala. FEMA pays travel expenses for students (except federal employees). Course description, registration procedures, and prerequisites are available on the FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness website. The following is the remaining training date for fiscal year 2018, including travel days – one day prior to and one day after the course.


  • September 23-27, 2018

Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Operations Course

This five-day in-person course is offered for federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial medical countermeasure planners and officials involved in the receipt and management of SNS assets during a public health emergency. The course addresses:


  • SNS operational concepts, state warehouse/receiving site operations and developing or enhancing plans for MCM supply chain operations at state and local levels;
  • Demonstrations and hands-on activities with SNS supplies, including a broad array of materiel; and
  • Discussions and activities that cover writing effective plans; cold chain considerations; bulk asset receiving; volunteer management, functions and staff roles; public information and communications; and dispensing and vaccination site design and management considerations to enhance efficiencies and operational effectiveness. 


Upcoming training dates for this course are August 19-25, including travel days - one day prior to and one day after the course. This course is hosted at CDP in Anniston, Ala. FEMA pays travel expenses for students (except federal employees). Course description, registration procedures, and prerequisites are listed on the FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness website.

New MCM Coordinator Start up Guide

To help new MCM Coordinators navigate the first months of their roles, the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) MCM Workgroup created the New MCM Coordinator Start-Up Guide. The guide contains a listing of steps and resources to build new local MCM coordinator competency and directs new MCM coordinators to federal documents that are critical for MCM planning. The document is available for download on the NACCHO Toolbox.

LHD Staff Changes

Juliann Koehn resigned as the EPC the Huron County Health Department. Katilyn Alexander has been hired as the new EPC and can be reached


Stephanie Bliss resigned as the EPC at Western Upper Peninsula Health Department. Ray Sharp is filling in as interim EPC and can be reached at