About the Guardian
The Guardian of Public Health is a monthly newsletter from the Bureau of EMS, Trauma, and Preparedness (BETP) within the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). The Guardian aims to provide its readers with relevant content on topics that affect the public health of citizens and communities in Michigan. For questions or comments please contact Kerry Chamberlain at chamberlaink2@michigan.gov.
Vaccination Updates and Recommendation for the 2016‐2017 Flu Season
Jalyn Ingalls, MA, Influenza Epidemiologist, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Division of Immunization
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that everyone aged 6 months and older receive an influenza vaccine during the 2016‐2017 flu season. In the 2014‐2015 flu season, only 44.3 percent of people eligible for the flu vaccine in Michigan received it, with the following breakdown by age: 52.6 percent of children aged 6 months through 17 years, 35.7 percent of people aged 18 through 64 years, and 65.7 percent of people aged 65 years and older. Overall, flu vaccination rates in Michigan have been slowly trending upward for the past four influenza seasons but are still low in comparison to other states. It is important for all people aged 6 months and older to receive the flu vaccine, as it is the single best way to prevent influenza.
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The Global Threat of Zika Virus to Pregnancy: Epidemiology, Clinical Perspectives, Mechanisms, and Impact
Researchers in BMC Public Health perform a review of current Zika virus peer-review literature. They detail the epidemiology of Zika; the threat to pregnancy; the clinical consequences and broader impact of Zika infections; and the virus biology underpinning new interventions, diagnostics, and insights into the mechanisms of disease. The authors found the literature points to a strong association of Zika virus infection and microcephaly. They conclude that because of the severe consequences to maternal and child health an immediate global health response is required.
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Zika Research Hub
The publisher John Wiley and Sons created a website where Zika research from their journals can be accessed for free. The research articles will be available until September 30. Follow #ZikaHub on Twitter for the latest updates.
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