Working Links: New Market Developer: September - October 2019

We were made aware of links not working throughout the newsletter, please accept our apologies and enjoy the newsletter below with working links.

New Market Developer

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In this issue: 

Sklarczyk Seed Farm Named 2019 Ag Exporter of the Year

2019 Ag Exporter of the YEar

This year, Sklarczyk Seed Farm (SSF) of Johannesburg, MI, was presented with the 2019 "Ag Exporter of the Year" Award. SSF grows potato tubers, which are greenhouse grown seed potatoes, and exports them to countries such as Canada, Egypt, Chile, Thailand, Germany, and Brazil. In 2018, 41% of their revenue came from exporting, and they have made a tremendous impact on their local community.


“As a boy growing up around our operation, I never dreamed SSF would have a worldwide impact on the potato industry,” said Ben Sklarczyk, current CEO of SSF. “Today, I greatly value the customer relationships we have formed and the team we have at SSF, which helps grow some of the best seed potatoes in the world.”

To read the full press release, click here.

2020 Branded Application Now Open

Branded Applications

Marketing your products abroad can be very beneficial to your business, but it can also be expensive. Our partners at the non-profit group Food Export Midwest understand this, which is why they provide a program that can ease this burden through cash reimbursement. The Branded Program offers 50% cash reimbursement for a multitude of international marketing activities, including website development, packaging and labeling modifications, trade show fees, advertising, public relations, and much more!


The 2020 Branded Program application is now open! Apply as soon as possible to secure your funding.


To learn more about this great opportunity, click here.


To submit your 2020 Pre-Qualification, click here.

Your Export Sale Checklist - Webinar

An international importer has expressed interest in buying your product. What is your to do list?

  • You have already determined the buyer is qualified, likes/accepts your price, and your product is allowed into the market as the product has been registered.
  • Have you both agreed to the terms of sale?
  • Can you get the product to the correct location?
  • Can you access the proper export documentation?
  • How will you be paid?


To view Food Export's Webinar, click here.

*Food Export Login Required

Join Us! 2020 International Marketing Program Activities

The International Marketing Program’s 2020 Activity Calendar is now available! Check it out to see what events we will be attending in 2020, and start planning your export activities today:

Success Story


Learn how Ethel’s Baking Company entered the Canadian market with the help of the International Marketing Program at MDARD.


To view the video, click here.

Upcoming Events

MDARD China Trade Mission

November 8-12, 2019 | Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shanghai


Specialty Food Buyers Mission at the 2020 Winter Fancy Food Show

January 18-20, 2020 | San Francisco, CA

Early Registration Deadline: November 15, 2019


Natural Products Buyers Mission at the Natural Products Expo West 2020

March 4-5, 2020 | Anaheim, CA

Early Registration Deadline: January 10, 2020