Special Edition, January - February 2018
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 The International Marketing Program is an essential resource for helping Michigan food and agriculture businesses successfully export their products and improve their bottom lines. Our friendly, expert staff offers personalized, one-on-one guidance to help you develop a strong export strategy for 2018 and beyond. Housed within MDARD’s Agriculture Development Division—which offers grants, business guidance and support—the International Marketing Program offers an array of events, instructional opportunities, and services for businesses interested in starting or expanding their exporting efforts. Our services include:
Export Consulting Services - The International Marketing Program can assist with market research, trade leads, website services, documentation, export management, legal services, international finance, due diligence, translation, labeling services and much more!
Reimbursement for Export Activities - Food Export’s Branded Program provides qualified MI food and agricultural companies with up to 50% reimbursement for eligible international marketing expenses.
Connect with Buyers Around the World - Trade Missions to several countries immerse companies in foreign markets and include one-on-one meetings with pre-qualified buyers and market research. Food Show PLUS enhances exhibitions at key international shows.
Buyers Missions & Michigan Pavilions - Connect with international buyers without the expense of international travel at one of several domestic Buyers Missions or trade shows!
Export Training Resources - The International Marketing Program offers several exporting seminars across the state of Michigan each year in addition to many free exporting webinars available through Food Export Midwest. Export Helpline and Export Essentials will help guide you through the process.
Export Market Research - Finding the right market for your product is essential for export success. We help companies identify suitable markets for their products through customized market research.
Learn more about international marketing opportunities at www.michigan.gov/agexport.
To schedule a meeting or for more information, please contact:
Jamie Zmitko-Somers | International Marketing Manager | 517-284-5738 | zmitkoj@michigan.gov Allie Fox VanDriel | International Marketing Coordinator | 517-284-5737 | foxa1@michigan.gov Yihan Wang | International Marketing Coordinator | 517-284-5740 | wangy1@michigan.gov
 The Branded Program is a Food Export Midwest cost-share funding program aimed at helping Michigan food and agricultural exporters promote their products in international markets. Participants can receive up to 50% reimbursement for eligible international marketing activities. This includes costs associated with advertising, public relations, international web design, eligible trade missions, international trade shows or eligible domestic shows & label modifications.
January 1 marks the beginning of the 2018 Branded Program year, and recent regulation changes allow for more reimbursement opportunities. Food Export has eliminated a previous rule that did not allow reimbursements if you had exhibited at a eligible show within the past three years without Branded Program funds. You may now include these trade shows on Branded Program applications! Electronic marketing, such as text messaging and email, is also now eligible for reimbursement with proof of activity.
Please contact the International Marketing Program with any questions. See the 2018 Branded Program Exporter Manual for all regulations and a full list of eligible events and activities at http://bit.ly/2k9moL1.