Animal Health Update: Special Edition – Pet Health Certificates


Animal Health Update: Special Edition – Pet Health Certificates

Pet Health Certificates for Pet Shops and Large-Scale Dog Breeding Kennels


Michigan pet shops selling mammals that are not livestock or rodents are required to comply with Public Act 287, which was recently updated. The update includes changes to the importation and sale requirements for dogs and cats going to, being sold or otherwise placed by pet shops and large-scale dog breeding kennels (more than 15 female breeding dogs).

The pet health certificate, which is required to be given to a customer by a Michigan pet shop has been updated. It is also now required to be given to customers of large-scale dog breeding kennels.

The pet health certificate requirements are as follows (updated sections are in bold):

  1. Pet health certificates must be provided to a customer whenever a pet shop is selling or otherwise placing a dog, cat or ferret. The pet shop should keep a copy of the pet health certificate for their records.
  2. Pet health certificates must also be provided to a customer when a large-scale dog breeding kennel sells or otherwise places a dog. The kennel should keep a copy of the pet health certificate for their records.
  3. Pet health certificates must be issued by a veterinarian and a copy should be retained by the veterinarian for their records.
  4. The veterinarian is responsible for ensuring all fields are completed. If a section does not apply, please note “N/A” in the section. 
  5. The following information must be completed on the pet health certificate: species, age, sex, breed and physical description of the animal.
  6. Vaccinations and treatments received by the animal while at the pet shop or large-scale dog breeding kennel must be recorded on the pet health certificate.
  7. Any medical condition the animal may have must be noted on the pet health certificate by the veterinarian.
  8. If an animal is examined and found to be displaying signs of infectious disease, a pet health certificate is not to be issued until the animal is healthy.
  9. Pet health certificates are valid for 30 days from the date of examinationIf an animal is not sold within that 30-day timeframe, a new certificate must be issued to sell or otherwise place the animal.
  10. Veterinarians can obtain a current version of the pet health certificate online. This form is the only acceptable version of the pet health certificate.  

Reminder: The pet health certificate is different from a certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI), which allow animals to move between states. A CVI cannot serve as a pet health certificate.

More information on other laws and regulations that affect pet shops can be found at Any questions you may have on pet health certificates can be directed to the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development at 800-292-3939.

Additionally, Act 287 was also changed to require large-scale dog breeding kennels (more than 15 breeding females) in Michigan to register with MDARD. If you have a client who could potentially be considered a  large-scale dog breeding kennel, please encourage them to contact the MDARD at 800-292-3939.

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Contact the Animal Industry Division:

Constitution Hall
525 West Allegan Street
6th Floor, P.O. Box 30017
Lansing, MI 48909


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