Animal Health Update: Issue 11


Issue 11

CORRECTION: Disease Numbers

In the previous issue of the Animal Health Update, disease numbers for equine were reported in two places and the second listing had incorrect numbers. Please see the below chart for the most up to date disease numbers:

Small Animal, Exotic & Equine

As of 8/26/2016



As of 8/26/2016


Hot Topic:

Benefits of Electronic CVIs

beef cow

As the digital age continues to develop, industry is constantly utilizing new technology to make life easier.  Electronic certificates of veterinary inspection, also known as electronic CVIs, are digital versions of the traditional paper CVIs. Electronic CVIs are offered through automated, web-based services offering electronic creation, submission and management of these certificates. This technology makes it easier, more efficient and more cost effective for veterinarians, clients and state departments to process CVIs. Electronic CVIs are faster to fill out, easy to read and also improve animal traceability, which is especially crucial during a disease crisis. They reduce mistakes made from handwriting and compliance errors, while enabling you to electronically add and upload digital pictures and multiple animal ID numbers.

The Animal Industry Division recommends and is currently accepting electronic CVIs submitted through the United States Department of Agriculture’s Veterinary Services Process Streamlining system or through Global VetLink.

VSPS is a free service approved for use in all states. As an accredited veterinarian, you will need Level 2 eAuthentication with the USDA, which enables you to create electronic CVIs and online equine infectious anemia (Coggins) forms. At this time, VSPS is only able to be used for livestock animals. For more information, VSPS has created a handout on how to create and use a VSPS account for electronic CVIs.

Global VetLINK is an electronic automated service offering electronic creation, submission, and management of CVIs, EIA (Coggins) tests and veterinary feed directive orders. Global VetLink also has an owner portal allowing owners digital access to their certificates. There are fees associated with using Global VetLINK. Find more information at

Questions about CVIs can be directed to AID at (800) 292-3939 or AID accepts the submission of CVIs by mail at PO Box 30017, Lansing, MI 48909, email at or by fax at (517) 241-1560.

Program Spotlight:

Colleen Phillipich - Animal Import and Export Program


As the Animal Import/Export Coordinator, I review and process all CVIs (paper and electronic) coming into our office, which are reviewed and processed on a daily basis. There are thousands of CVIs coming in every month! We ensure each animal moving into or out of our state is meeting federal and state requirements for proper identification, vaccinations, testing and other important health requirements. Whether an animal is traveling by air, ground or other form of transportation, they should always have a CVI when they cross state lines. This is especially important for animal disease traceability and in the event of a disease outbreak. Each state has its own set of requirements, so it is important to contact the destination for their requirements before issuing a CVI. Airlines can also have additional requirements. At AID, we only review and process interstate CVIs, as all international animal movements are processed through the United States Department of Agriculture. USDA requirements can be found on their website or you may contact them with questions at (517) 337-4700. Find all of Michigan’s requirements for animal movement at If you have questions related to the import or export of animals, contact Colleen Phillipich, LVT, animal import/export coordinator, at or (517) 284-5674.

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Put it on the Calendar:

Food Show PLUS! at CRFA
March 3-5
Toronto, Canada


Contact the Animal Industry Division:

Constitution Hall
525 West Allegan Street
6th Floor, P.O. Box 30017
Lansing, MI 48909


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