New State Vision Plan Administrator
Dear Employees,
Beginning October 1, 2013, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) will partner with Vision Service Plan (VSP) to continue servicing the State of Michigan as the Vision Plan Administrator. Your vision plan benefits will remain the same. VSP’s network consists of approximately 29,000 providers nationwide, including more than 1,100 in Michigan.
What's Next? |
BCBSM will issue new ID cards for vision coverage only. Your new ID card will be mailed to you prior to October 1, 2013. Once you have received your new card, please discard your previous vision card as it will no longer be valid. Do not discard any other insurance cards.
Here is an example of what your new ID card will look like:

For customer service questions concerning your vision insurance, please call VSP at (855) 356-4362 beginning October 1, 2013, or go to and select Find a Doctor or Hospital under the Help and Information section, then select VSP. You may also access the VSP Fact Sheet for additional information.