CEPI Announcements: May 1, 2024

 MAY 1, 2024

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In This Issue

System Maintenance: CEPI Applications and MI School Data

CEPI applications and MI School Data will be intermittently offline for maintenance on Sunday, May 5 from 6 a.m. to noon EDT. Only limited informational inquires will be available during this time.

Read by Grade Three Mailings

MDE recently published a memo about 2024-25 Read by Grade Three Retention Repeal, Assessment Changes, and Continued Requirements outlining changes to the RBG3 legislation and actions districts need to take for any student flagged for additional reading supports.

CEPI will use student addresses in MSDS to send letters to the families of third grade students who score 1271 or below on the ELA M-STEP assessment, which indicates students need additional reading supports. Districts must ensure, to the extent possible, that student addresses in MSDS are current.

Letters will be mailed on June 21. Due to processing time, the letters will use student addresses that were updated in MSDS by June 13. If a student experiencing homelessness does not have an address in MSDS, the letter will be sent to the district homeless liaison.

We also recommend that district personnel check the Dynamic Score Reporting Site accessed through the Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability's Secure Site to identify students who do not meet the minimum ELA scores and communicate with the parent or guardian to discuss the RBG3 intent and the various reading support initiatives that will be made available to their student.

MSDS: EOY General and General TSDL Collections are Open

The MSDS EOY 2024 General Collection and 2023-24 General TSDL Collection are open.

Important EOY General Collection Dates

  • June 14: Data quality checks performed on data submitted before this date
  • June 28: General Collection Certification Deadline

Important TSDL Collection Dates

  • July 1 (Mid-Collection 1) and July 17 (Mid-Collection 2): Data quality checks performed on data submitted before these dates
  • Aug. 2: General and Migrant TSDL Collection Certification Deadline
  • TSDL will be unavailable during the following dates. Please plan accordingly.
    • June 27-28 (peak EOY General Collection processing)
    • July 17-19 (EOY General Collection closeout)

MSDS: Fall Resources Available

Updated schemas, sample files and schema summaries have been posted for the following MSDS collections:

 Links to the documents are located under Technical Material.

MSDS Reminder: SRM records for Summer EBT

To assist with the seamless distribution of Summer EBT benefits to eligible families, updates to student information can be reported in the SRM Collection. Any address or SNE-related updates must be certified by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, May 3 to be included in the initial Summer EBT issuance file.

Please send questions regarding Summer EBT to MDE-SEBT@michigan.gov.

To receive updates about the Summer EBT program, please visit Michigan Department of Education.

REP: Report New Employees and Terminations Within 30 Days

Since Oct. 1, 2023, districts have been required by 388.1619 Sec 19. (3) to update records in REP within 30 days of changes in employment or assignment. This includes new employees, terminations and changes of assignment for employees.

To meet the thirty-day reporting requirement, records may be saved with errors or warnings. Records do not need to be fully certified. The following fields are required to be reported and free of any fatal errors:

  • Fields 4-6: First, Middle, and Last Name
  • Field 7: SSN
  • Field 8: Credential License Number
  • Field 9: Date of Hire
  • Field 10 Characteristics: School Code and Assignment
  • Field 13: Date of Birth
  • Field 14: Gender
  • Field 25: Employment Status
  • Field 26: Date of Termination (if applicable)
  • Field 27: PIC

CEPI and MDE Joint Employment Data Webinar

On May 21 at 12:30 p.m., MDE and CEPI are hosting a joint employment data webinar. This webinar will include intermediate level employment data submission issues in the REP application. Please use this link to register for the webinar.

EEM: Days and Clock Hours Collection is Now Open

The Days and Clock Hours collection is now open in the Educational Entity Master for the 2023-24 school year. The reporting of instructional days and hours is mandated by Section 101 of the State School Aid Act (MCL 388.1701).

The application will remain open to district users through July 15. After that, intermediate school district users will have until Aug. 1 to review and certify the report. We encourage districts to complete their submission as soon as possible after the school year ends, leaving ample time for corrections to be submitted as identified by the ISD.

Users with application questions can refer to the D/CH User Guide.

Questions regarding the State School Aid Act, including the instructional day or hour requirement, forgiven time, or professional development hours, should be directed to Jessica Beagle at BeagleJ1@michigan.gov.

EEM: Submitting Deferred Transactions

If your district plans on opening/closing a school or changing grade configurations next school year, these changes can be updated in EEM now as deferred transactions. A deferred transaction means EEM will be updated with an effective date of July 1, which can help ensure accuracy for pre-identification of assessment materials and school selection for Title I grants.

Please refer to the Updating EEM for Current and Upcoming School Year memo for further information, including detailed instructions on submitting different types of changes.

FID: Dual Enrollment and Early Middle College Reporting

The District Data Entry screen only includes one section for Assets and Liabilities and no longer includes Dual Enrollment Expenditures.

Dual Enrollment Expenditures are submitted in the expenditure upload file with object code 3720 dedicated to Dual Enrollment Tuition Paid to Postsecondary Institutions, and 3730 for Early Middle College Tuition and Fees Paid to Postsecondary Institutions. Be sure to record Dual Enrollment and EMC expenditures in FID using these codes during the 2023-24 school year for accurate reporting.

SID: Avoid Duplicative Reporting

Please verify that you are not reporting the same incidents twice in the SID collection.

If your administrative unit shares physical space with another school/facility in your district, select the option to indicate this fact for the administrative unit. Incidents that occur at the shared space should be reported under the entity with which the administrative unit shares space.

Duplicative reporting results in inaccurate and artificially inflated numbers in the public SID data files on MI School Data. These files include flags noting instances of probable duplicate reporting.

MI School Data News

Visit MI School Data to view updates to the Postsecondary Student Data File, which is available only to users with secure access.

See details of this update and upcoming reports on the MI School Data News and Updates page.

Words to Know

Unfamiliar with a term or acronym? Visit our Commonly Used CEPI Terms and Acronyms.

CEPI Announcements are sent on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Prior announcements are available on our website.

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Questions? Contact CEPI customer support at cepi@michigan.gov or 517-335-0505 x3. Please provide your name, telephone number (including area code and extension) and school name along with your message.

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