CEPI Announcements: April 17, 2024

 APRIL 17, 2024

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In This Issue

Student Snack-Pack Recognized by Ed-Fi Alliance

The Student Snack-Pack, built in partnership with the Michigan Data Hub, allows participating districts to quickly retrieve critical eligibility and participation data for newly transferred students.

The Snack-Pack was included in a national Ed-Fi Alliance article that highlights how Michigan is addressing the problem of students not receiving services they are entitled to upon enrolling in a new district.

If your district is not taking advantage of this feature and would like more information on how to set it up, please contact the MiDataHub team by visiting their support page.

Featured Report: Early Middle College Enrollment and Outcomes

Did you know that in the last six years, the number of students completing EMC programs has increased by 50%?

The new Early Middle College Enrollment and Outcomes report on MI School Data lets you explore trends in enrollment, completion and awards earned through EMC programs.

The report can display the data at four different levels: Statewide (default), a student's reporting ISD, County location of the EMC, and by individual EMC program. Other filters include school year(s) and various student populations.

EMC Enrollment and Outcomes screenshot

This report brings together data reported by districts in multiple collections over time to help educators, policymakers and the public understand who is receiving particular types of additional outcomes, how the number of college credits earned has changed, and much more.

For more information about the report and how the data are collected, use the About This Report link at the top of the report.

REP Reminder from MDE: EXPLORE Course Code

The MDE Office of Educator Excellence would like to remind districts about the best codes to use for Future Proud Michigan Educator: EXPLORE courses. The REP assignment code created for this course is 000ME: “Future MI Educator.” The associated SCED code uses Subject Code 19 and Course Identifiers 151, 152, 154, 197 or 198. These codes can be used for future educator courses that make use of the EXPLORE curriculum or meet the EXPLORE competencies.

MSDS Collection Details Manual Published

The 2024-25 MSDS Collection Details Manual has been published on the CEPI website for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. Refer to page 7 of the manual for the list of revisions from the prior collection year.

MSDS EOY General and General TSDL Collections Open May 1

The MSDS EOY 2024 General Collection and 2023-24 General TSDL Collection open on May 1.

Important EOY General Collection Dates

  • June 14: Data quality checks performed on data submitted before this date
  • June 28: General Collection Certification Deadline

Important TSDL Collection Dates

  • July 1 (Mid-Collection 1) and July 17 (Mid-Collection 2):- Data quality checks performed on data submitted before these dates
  • Aug. 2: General and Migrant TSDL Collection Certification Deadline
  • TSDL will be unavailable during the following dates. Please plan accordingly.
    • June 27-28 (peak EOY General Collection processing)
    • July 17-19 (EOY General Collection closeout)

MSDS Early Childhood End-of-Program Collection is Open

The EOP 2024 Early Childhood Collection is now open.

New for EOP 2024: Code "22" - Michigan Strong Beginnings has been added to the Early Childhood Program characteristic in the Early Childhood Programs Component.

Key Collection Dates:

  • Feb. 22 through Aug. 22: Reporting Period
  • Aug. 12: Data quality checks performed on data submitted before this date
  • Aug. 28: Certification Deadline

MSDS Language Codes

The MSDS collections manual provides a resource with standardized languages codes for districts to use: ISO 639-2 Language Code List (Library of Congress). The US Department of Education Title III office, as part of the modernization of federal reporting systems and to improve data quality, has identified a list of language codes that are considered Improbable languages. Improbable language codes will not be accepted by USED starting with the 2023-24 school year.

If a student/family reports an improbable language as their primary, native language, the district should determine the language family for that language using the Enthnologue website to report in MSDS. Note: the list of improbable languages includes “UND: Unidentified” and “MIS: Uncoded languages.” In lieu of reporting UND or MIS, use the Enthnologue website to determine the language family. If necessary, contact the program office at MDE for technical assistance.

Reasons a language could be considered improbable include:

  • Obsolete/archaic/“dead” - The language has fallen out of use and is no longer spoken as a native language
  • Constructed - The language does not have native speakers, given that the language is either invented or fictional
  • Liturgical - The language is used for religious purposes and does not have native speakers
  • Nearly extinct - There are speakers of the language, but they are not native speakers
  • Native speakers < 100 - The number of identified native speakers is so small that it is unlikely that there are native speakers of the language in the U.S.
  • Scholarly - The language is used for scholarly/educational purposes only and there are no native speakers

Additionally, the ISO 639-2 language list may display two codes for a language, one bibliographic (B) and one terminology (T). The bibliographic code must be used for reporting in MSDS.

Questions may be directed to the MDE Office of Educational Supports, Special Populations Unit: 517-241-6974 or OESSpecialPops@michigan.gov.

MSDS SRM records for Summer EBT

To assist with the seamless distribution of Summer EBT benefits to eligible families, updates to student information can be reported in the SRM collection. Any address or SNE related updates must be certified by 11:59 pm on Friday, May 3rd in order to be included in the initial Summer EBT issuance file.

Please send questions regarding Summer EBT to MDE-SEBT@michigan.gov.

To receive updates about the Summer EBT program or to receive emails about the program, please visit: Michigan Department of Education (govdelivery.com).

Two New Tribal Affiliation Programs: Reporting Requirements

The 2023 School State Aid Act included new data collection and submission requirements to support consultation between tribal nations, local educational agencies and the state. These new requirements are being phased in over the next several years to allow time for consultation with tribal nations.

Included in these new requirements is the collection of program participation data for Title VI – Indian Education and Johnson-O’Malley programs and the collection of student and staff tribal affiliation data. For the 2024-2025 school year, LEAs with students who participate in either a Title VI or Johnson-O’Malley program must submit program participation information about those students. The program participation values will initially be submitted as part of the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) Fall 2024 General Collection. Please see the Title VI – Indian Education and Johnson-O’Malley Program Participation Data Collection Frequently Asked Questions document on the MDE Indigenous Education website for additional details and guidance about this requirement. This FAQ is also posted on CEPI's MSDS web page under Help and Training.

For more information, please email Nate Beelen at beelenn@michigan.gov.

MI School Data News

Visit MI School Data to view the new Early Middle College Enrollment and Outcomes report.

See details of this update and upcoming reports on the MI School Data News and Updates page.

Words to Know

Unfamiliar with a term or acronym? Visit our Commonly Used CEPI Terms and Acronyms.

CEPI Announcements are sent on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Prior announcements are available on our website.

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Questions? Contact CEPI customer support at cepi@michigan.gov or 517-335-0505 x3. Please provide your name, telephone number (including area code and extension) and school name along with your message.

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