CEPI Announcements: Nov. 15, 2023

 NOVEMBER 15, 2023

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In This Issue

System Maintenance: CEPI Applications and MI School Data

CEPI applications and MI School Data will be intermittently offline for maintenance on Sunday, Dec. 3 from 6 a.m. to noon EST. Only limited informational inquires will be available during this time.

MSDS Offline for Closeout

The MSDS will be offline beginning Monday, Dec. 4 to perform closeout of the 2023 Fall General and Early Childhood General Collections. We anticipate closeout will take approximately three days. The application will reopen when processing is complete. Once the application reopens, ISD auditors will be able to edit district DS4061s and act on Section 25e requests. UIC Services via the Michigan Data Hub remain available.

REP and NPSPR Closing

School districts should submit all personnel in the Fall 2023 REP Collection and nonpublic schools should submit their personnel in the NPSPR by Dec. 1 at 11:59 p.m. EST.   

For additional resources related to the REP Collection, visit CEPI's REP web page. If you need information on the NPSPR, visit the CEPI Nonpublic Schools web page. Please email CEPI Customer Support at cepi@michigan.gov with any questions.

GAD Audit Window Closes Nov. 30 - Office Hours Session

The audit of active cohorts (2021-2026) in the Graduation and Dropout application will close Nov. 30, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. EST. ISD auditors, if you have not yet performed your audits, please do so before the window closes.

CEPI will host a virtual office hour session for the GAD Audit Window on Friday, Nov. 17 from 10 to 11 a.m. This session will provide an overview of the GAD Audit Checklist, with the majority of the time being open for districts to ask questions regarding GAD. Pre-registration is not required. To join, click the following link, or use the call in options:

MSDS TSDL Technical Resources Available

The updated schema, sample file and schema summary are now available for the 2023-24 MSDS General TSDL Collection.

2023-24 Benchmark Assessment Survey Closing

Districts who used at least one of the MDE-approved assessments (Curriculum Associates, i-Ready, NWEA MAP or Renaissance Star) may apply for additional funding through MCL 388.1704i. To apply for this funding, districts must complete the 2023-24 Benchmark Assessment Survey in GEMS/MARS by 5 p.m. EST on Dec 1.

For the 2023-24 school year, reporting of benchmark assessments is only required for districts using approved assessments and applying for additional funding, but MDE strongly encourages all districts to report which benchmark assessments were provided. If the district also provided local benchmark assessments, the district must also report the grades in which the assessments were provided, how the assessment measures changes in learning, and how the district plans to address any losses in learning.

Additional information on reporting requirements, including a Fact Sheet and FAQ, can be found on MDE’s Benchmark Assessments website.

Student Assessment Pre-ID Using MSDS Data

The Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability will be pre-identifying students on the OEAA Secure Site for the Spring 2024 assessments using Fall 2023 General and SRM Collection data.

  • English learners in grades K-12 will be pre-identified for the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs using the Fall 2023 General Collection and Student Record Maintenance data certified through Dec. 3, 2023. (MDE has communicated Dec. 4; however, the MSDS will be offline for closeout.)
  • Students in grades 3-11 and required grade 12 will be pre-identified for the SAT with Essay, WorkKeys, PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10 and M-STEP based on their grade using the Fall 2023 General Collection and SRMs submitted through 5 p.m. on Dec. 31, 2023.

Correct and up-to-date MSDS information will help assessment coordinators ensure that student information for the assessments is accurate. After this one-time pull, schools will be responsible for pre-identifying any additional students directly on the OEAA Secure Site.

If you have any questions about the Pre-ID process, please contact mde-OEAA@michigan.gov or call 877-560-8378 x3. For questions regarding the MSDS, please contact CEPI customer support.

Updating Points of Pride for Parent Dashboard

Points of Pride data, which is publicly displayed on the Parent Dashboard as "School Services and Offerings," must be submitted in the EEM by Nov. 30 to be included in the next update. For more information on how to view the Points of Pride or edit the data within the EEM, please visit the Points of Pride in EEM document.

Data Matters: Discipline

Districts are required to submit discipline data per the State School Aid Act, ESSA’s Gun-Free Schools Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act.

All incidents resulting in an expulsion must be reported. For students with an active IEP, all suspension incidents resulting in the student’s removal from their usual education setting for half the school day or longer must also be reported.

The Michigan Dept. of Education provides Suspension and Expulsion Guidance for school administrators and staff.

Where do Districts Report the Data?

Discipline data are submitted to CEPI in the Discipline Component of the MSDS. Include the date of the incident, type of incident, and type of and length of consequence.

Make sure length matches the type of consequence. For example, suspensions must be less than 60 days in duration. Expulsions must have a length of at least 10 days. See MDE’s Suspension and Expulsion Guidance and the Discipline section of the MSDS Collection Details Manual for more information.

Report discipline incidents in the year that they occur. While discipline incidents can cross school years—a student can serve a consequence in the current year for an incident that occurred in the prior school year—districts should not be reporting incidents and consequences from previous years in the current collection.

Why Does it Matter?

Discipline data are used for IDEA reporting, the Gun Free Schools Report, and the identification of Persistently Dangerous schools. MI School Data includes public discipline data in the District/School data files, the Parent Dashboard, and the Special Education Indicator reports.

MI School Data News

Visit MI School Data to view updates to the Educator Effectiveness, English Learner Student Growth and Student Growth reports.

See details of this update and upcoming reports on the MI School Data News and Updates page.

Words to Know

Unfamiliar with a term or acronym? Visit our Commonly Used CEPI Terms and Acronyms.

CEPI Announcements are sent on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Prior announcements are available on our website.

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Questions? Contact CEPI customer support at cepi@michigan.gov or 517-335-0505 x3. Please provide your name, telephone number (including area code and extension) and school name along with your message.