CEPI Announcements: Oct. 18, 2023

 OCTOBER 18, 2023

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In This Issue

FID Collection Due Nov. 1

For the 2022-23 FID collection, PA 144 of 2022 requires all districts' audited and certified financial data to be submitted in the Financial Information Database application by the end of the day Nov. 1.

For any accounting related questions, contact Chris May at mayc@michigan.gov. For additional FID resources, visit CEPI's FID web page. Please contact CEPI Customer Support for any questions related to the FID application.

MSDS 2022-23 Audit Narrative Deadline Due Nov. 1

Per state law, ISD auditors must complete the 2022-23 audit narratives in the MSDS by 11:59 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, Nov. 1.

Instructions for completing the audit in the MSDS can be found on CEPI's Auditor Resources web page. For audit guidelines, contact Gloria Suggitt (suggittg@michigan.gov) in the MDE Office of Financial Management. 

MSDS Spring Resources Available

Updated schemas, sample files and schema summaries have been posted for the following MSDS collections:

MSDS Data Quality Mid-Collection Analysis

CEPI's Data Quality Team will conduct mid-collection analyses later this month. If you wish to have your data reviewed, please submit your data by 11:59 p.m. EDT on the indicated dates:

  • Oct. 25 – Fall General Collection
  • Oct. 31 – Fall Early Childhood Collection

CEPI will send DQ emails if potential data anomalies are identified.

Legislative Change: More Timely REP Reporting

In support of school safety and Michigan’s educator workforce needs, the Michigan legislature recently amended Michigan Compiled Law 388.1619 to gather school employment data in a more timely manner.

Districts are now required to submit personnel changes within 30 days of a staffing event (e.g., hiring, termination, vacancies), in addition to submitting employment data twice a year. This means districts should report changes to personnel rosters in the REP at least once a month. It is critical that the REP be updated in the new timeline to include all assignments to meet school safety and workforce needs.

Further communications and trainings will be made available once procedures have been finalized.

Legislative Change: Report Employment Data More Timely and Accurately to Ensure Student Safety and Better Understand Michigan's Teacher Shortage

EEM: Assessment Coordinators

Beginning in Spring 2024, certain assessments will be administered digitally. In order to access testing materials online, the appropriate assessment coordinator must be listed in the EEM. Only one person in a role will be able to access those testing materials.

To ensure you are ready for this change and district staff are able to access testing materials, please review your buildings in the EEM and ensure the contact information for your assessment coordinators is correct.

Please also review the EEM records for your unique education providers (UEPs), schools and district. Different record types have different contacts. Ensure that one person is listed for each of the following contact types in your EEM records.

All District, School and UEP records should have:

  • M-Step Coordinator
  • MI-Access Coordinator
  • English Learner Assessment Coordinator
  • Early Literacy and Math Benchmark Coordinator

All District and School records should have:

  • School Accountability Contact      
  • Technology Director

All School and UEP records should have:

  • SAT Test Coordinator
  • SAT Backup Test Coordinator
  • SAT Services for Students with Disabilities Coordinator
  • PSAT 10 Test Coordinator
  • PSAT 9 Test Coordinator
  • PSAT 9/10 Backup Coordinator
  • PSAT Grade 9/10 Services for Students with Disabilities Coordinator
  • PSAT Grade 8 Test Coordinator
  • PSAT Grade 8 Backup Coordinator
  • PSAT Grade 8 Services for Students with Disabilities Coordinator
  • WorkKeys Test Coordinator

All District records should have:

  • District Assessment Coordinator

Please make these updates by Oct. 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. If you have any questions regarding assessments, please email mde-oeaa@michigan.gov. For questions regarding the EEM, contact CEPI customer support.

EEM Survey Now Available

CEPI wants to hear what you think about the EEM and the user materials. Have you ever encountered an issue using the EEM? Have you used the guides on the CEPI website, and more importantly, were they helpful?

Please take 5 minutes to complete this short, optional survey. Your response is anonymous – unless you wish to provide further feedback. Your answers will be used to help CEPI improve our documentation and create new training opportunities. The survey will be closed after Oct. 31.

MI School Data News

Visit MI School Data to view updates to the Student Attendance and Top 30/Bottom 30 Analysis reports and the Parent Dashboard. The At Risk Student report has been released in preview and will be publicly within a week.

See details of this update and upcoming reports on the MI School Data News and Updates page.

Words to Know

Unfamiliar with a term or acronym? Visit our Commonly Used CEPI Terms and Acronyms.

CEPI Announcements are sent on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Prior announcements are available on our website.

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Questions? Contact CEPI customer support at cepi@michigan.gov or 517-335-0505 x3. Please provide your name, telephone number (including area code and extension) and school name along with your message.