Maine House Republican Office sent this bulletin at 02/27/2023 03:40 PM EST
Session Update
The 131st Legislature is nearly halfway through its’ First Regular Session. Legislative work and session days become more intense in the days and months leading up to the statutory adjournment of June 21, 2023. As your State Representative, I have learned a lot from those of you that have contacted me on issues of concern to Maine and our area.
In additional to considering over 2,200 pieces of legislation (public hearings, work session, committee recommendations and floor debate), the most important task of the Legislature is to adopt a Biennial Budget for the next two years. I appreciated hearing the Governors give her State of the Budget speech on Valentine’s Day. The Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs is holding hearings on her $10.3 billion proposed budget. Individual committees of jurisdiction are also submitting their recommendations to that committee after hearing from state agencies.
Please let me know if there are bills or issues of concern to you. I appreciate the opportunity to serve you in the Maine House. If there is anything I can do to assist you, or if you have questions or concerns involving state agencies, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Upcoming Public Hearings
Now that the First Regular Session is in full swing, legislative committees are busy holding public hearings and work sessions. Visit here for a complete list of scheduled committee work.
Tax Relief
Maine Revenue Services administers several programs aimed at providing eligible Maine taxpayers with tax relief. To view a complete listing of these potential money saving offerings, please click here.
Maine Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
An Advocacy Program for Long-Term Care Consumers
The Maine Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is a non-profit agency whose mission is to advocate for quality of life and care for long-term care consumers. Services are free and confidential. Federal law and Maine law authorize staff to investigate complaints made by or on behalf of long-term care consumers and to assist consumers in exercising their rights that are guaranteed by law.
The Program serves residents of nursing homes; assisted housing programs, including residential care and assisted living; consumers receiving home care services, including homemaker, adult day, and hospice. It also serves patients in hospitals facing barriers in accessing long-term care services. Staff members are knowledgeable about long-term care services and can answer questions about services, including where to find services; how services are paid for; what to do if services are denied, terminated, or reduced ; and how to proceed when problems arise.
The Maine Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program provides advocacy services while maintaining strict confidence. This means that anyone reporting concerns about long-term care services can be assured that all communication with staff and volunteers will not be disclosed without consent. In addition, when the agency is contacted with a request for assistance, action will not be taken to investigate or resolve a complaint without first obtaining consent. In providing advocacy services, the agency works to support the wishes of the consumer.
The Maine Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is available to help with information, guidance, and advocacy. Services are free and confidential. For more information or assistance, contact (800) 499-0229 or (207) 621-1079.
2-1-1 Maine
One number, thousands of services -- 2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember number that serves as a health, social economic, and human services resource aid to those looking for answers or assistance. It encompasses a statewide directory of resources, including agency services and support groups accessible through its Web site.
The 2-1-1 Call Center is easily reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week across Maine and is accessible from cell phones, pay phones, and phone service provided by Internet carriers.