PRESS RELEASE: Emergency Order Challenged to Provide Public Input

Rep. Lyford

Emergency Order Challenged to provide public input

Legislative action sought AGAIN

With a new Legislature convening in Augusta, there are renewed calls for legislative involvement and action after nine straight months and eight emergency order declarations by Governor Mills.

Rep. Peter Lyford (R-Eddington) has proposed a Joint Resolution to the new Presiding Officers (Speaker of the House and President of the Senate).  The Resolution removes the Governor’s Emergency Order and provides the Legislature with an immediate opportunity to work with the Governor and the public to shape policies that are fair for everyone, by using the best evidence-based science and data available. This can be done in December, rather than waiting for January.

Since May, legislative Republicans have called for the legislature to convene for the express purpose of addressing COVID-related emergency matters.

These public appeals for a bipartisan approach have been ignored by Democrat leadership.

Legislative Republicans hope that ongoing public pressure will yield a different result, now that the Maine 2020 elections have ended and a new Legislature is being sworn in.

“Time has run out, and is running out, for the people whose lives and livelihoods are being destroyed by the response to the pandemic,” said Senate Republican Leader Elect Jeff Timberlake (R-Androscoggin). “There is no reason why we can’t link public safety efforts to sound science, so that things don’t get even worse for Maine people.”  

“This is about giving the people of Maine an avenue to be heard,” said House Republican Leader Kathleen Dillingham (R-Oxford). “Rep. Lyford is asking that the Legislature re-establish the co-equal branches of government under that Maine Constitution and provide a real opportunity for dialogue and bipartisan involvement. This work can be done now, before the Christmas holiday, with public input and the work of legislative committees.”
