A few reminders about tagging and registering your harvested game this fall...
Tagging Requirements
Prior to presenting a bear, deer, moose, or wild turkey for registration, a person may not possess or leave that animal in the field or forest unless they have securely attached a plainly visible tag to the animal with their name, address, and license number on the tag.
You can make your own tag to attach to the animal which must include your name, address, and license number or you can download the Transportation Tags (PDF)
Registration Requirements
Yes, if you harvest a wild turkey, deer, bear or moose this fall, you must register it at a registration station! When visiting tagging stations, please practice social distancing and wear a mask when interacting with tagging agents.
Moose Hunters
Please be aware that North Maine Woods is not operating their St. Pamphile check station this year so moose hunters (and other big game hunters) will not be able to register their harvested moose (or bear or deer) there and should make plans to locate another nearby moose registration station.