Dave Boucher, Fisheries Biologist, Awarded Department’s Highest Honor Posthumously
 David Boucher, fisheries biologist, author and division supervisor, was posthumously awarded the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Kenneth Anderson Award. IFW Commissioner Chandler Woodcock presented the award to Dave’s wife Christa earlier today in Augusta. READ MORE
Managing Deer Wintering Areas Is One Aspect Of A Regional Biologist’s Job
 As a regional biologist, one of our responsibilities is working with landowners to manage deer wintering areas (DWA’s). White-tailed deer are at the northern edge of their range here in Maine, and these deer wintering areas are critical for the overwintering survival of whitetail deer, and thus important in the long-term management of this species. READ MORE
Winners! 2016 Landowner Appreciation Day
 The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife & the Maine Forest Service hosted a statewide clean-up event on Sunday, September 18th 2016. This event helped private landowners in Maine by organizing a clean-up day for illegally disposed litter on their land. The statewide event sends a clear message that we appreciate their generosity for access and use of private land for outdoor recreation. READ MORE
Fish Invasions Take A Toll On Native Fisheries
 Working in the Belgrade Lakes Region (Region B), it’s not unusual to get weekly calls with reports of new introductions of invasive/exotic fish species. Some of these reports turn out to be false, but unfortunately, many are accurate. The cast of invading characters is long. In the recent past, it has included smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, black crappie, northern pike, bluegill, white catfish, walleye, landlocked alewives, goldfish, and koi. We even had a report of snakeheads a few years back. Fortunately, that one turned out to be a hoax. READ MORE
Looking For Areas To Hunt? Check Out The Sebasticook Woodlands WMA and the Carlton Stream WMA
 As a regional wildlife biologist one of the most common questions that we address this time of year is “I am not a landowner so where is there a place for me to hunt”? As posting of land has become more prevalent the sense that some sportsmen get is that there is no longer any good place left to hunt. READ MORE