Landowner Appreciation: Partners in Wildlife Award Presented to John Sferazo, AGRI
 John Sferazo is a retired union iron worker who resides in Hunting Station, New York and the owner of a significant parcel of land in Maine. He was recently recognized by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife as a recipient of the “Landowner Appreciation – Partners in Wildlife Award”, which was presented to him by Corporal Rick LaFlamme and Commissioner Chandler Woodcock. John received the award to recognize him for his tremendous efforts to restore the land that he owns in Maine as precious habitat for wildlife and as a recreational retreat for first responders and wounded military. READ MORE
Fisheries Biologists Embark On Intensive Sebago Lake Togue Study
 The Region A (Sebago Region) fisheries staff will be spending the bulk of our summer field season working on Sebago Lake in an effort to assess the lake trout population. Getting a handle on the togue population in a 30,000 acre lake with an average depth of 101 feet and a maximum of 316 feet has challenged staff for quite some time. READ MORE
Get to know the members of the Maine Warden Service K9 Team
 Periodically, we share profiles on members of our staff. Check out this month's spotlights on Warden Paul Farrington and K9s Koda and Yaro and Warden Dave Chabot and K9 Ruby.
Wildlife Management Areas Provide Habitat Management Demonstration Opportunities
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife’s Wildlife Management Areas are held to provide a statewide, ecologically based system of land holdings for the protection and enhancement of important wildlife habitats that also provide opportunities for public recreation. The focus is on habitat but recreation is a compatible use which serves also to demonstrate the benefits of habitat management for both game and non-game species. IF&W is taking a proactive approach to making the public aware of management activities, where they occur, and the species they are designed to benefit. READ MORE