First round of grants from Maine DEP awarded for 2023 recycling and organics management projects


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First round of grants from Maine DEP awarded for 2023 recycling and organics management projects


AUGUSTA, MAINE, June 14, 2023 — The first round of 2023 Waste Diversion Grant recipients for recycling and organics management projects statewide have been announced by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). By increasing composting and recycling opportunities across Maine, these projects aim to divert waste from disposal. DEP will provide a total of $111,364.00 in funds for three of the nine funding requests that were submitted. These grants are being awarded by Maine DEP to aid municipalities, corporations, and institutions in overcoming solid waste management challenges.

Reducing the volume of materials, we consume by reusing items, and recycling products and packaging can significantly reduce our environmental impacts and help to enhance sustainability, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and cut our overall costs.

Maine DEP is pleased to award funds for the following projects across the state:

Central Aroostook Soil and Water Conservation District—Presque Isle [$32,474.00]

Food Scrap Recovery and Compost Operation -- The District will use the awarded funds to expand a regional food scrap collection and composting program in the Central Aroostook area.  The expansion will allow for more citizens to access collection services and help obtain rich organic matter-enhanced compost to help improve the vitality of local soils.

Information Technology Exchange—Waterville [$38,890.00]

Increase Usability of Outdated Computers and Laptops -- Funds will be used to extend the useful life of aging laptop and desktop personal computers via a DIY model where owners of aging devices can request via mail-order or library loaner program, a USB thumb drive that will install the Linux (Mint) operating system on their 3+ year old computer that they would otherwise dispose of.

Town of Carthage—Carthage [$40,000.00]

Improve Overall Operations at Transfer Station -- Grant funds will be used to assist the Town of Carthage in constructing a new building at its transfer station to be used for the collection, storage and recycling of waste oil, textiles, used paint, Universal Waste, and the establishment of a swap shop for other usable goods that can be repurposed within the community.  The new structure will also be used to house the existing compactor for recyclable materials, including cardboard, paper, and plastics.

The Department anticipates issuing a request for the second round of funding proposals in early August.

For additional information, contact:

David R. Madore, Deputy Commissioner