EPR stakeholder meetings on readily recyclable, audits, and program goals

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EPR stakeholder meetings on readily recyclable, audits, and program goals

The Department will hold the stakeholder meetings for the topics of readily recyclable, audits, and program goals on Tuesday, March 14th, and Tuesday, March 28th, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm EDT.  As usual, the meetings will be held in person and made available virtually. For stakeholders attending meetings in person, meetings will be held in room 101 of the Deering Building located at 90 Blossom Lane, Augusta, Maine 04330. RSVP for the meetings using the following links:

The background document for this meeting is now available on the Department’s EPR for packaging website, and it can be accessed using the following link: Background Info Readily Recyclable, Audits, and Goals.pdf (maine.gov).

As a reminder, Meeting 1 will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to provide information and their perspective on the topics, and Meeting 2 will allow for discussion of issues raised during Meeting 1. Stakeholders can provide written comments for any rulemaking topic at any time to MainePackagingEPR@maine.gov. To access submitted written comments to date, please refer to the Department’s EPR for packaging website.

Thank you for your interest and participation. Please continue to direct questions and concerns to MainePackagingEPR@maine.gov.