Aroostook Apple Day is October 5

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Aroostook Apple Day

Aroostook Apple Day

The Southern Aroostook Soil & Water Conservation District is co-sponsoring Aroostook Apple Day on October 5th, beginning at 10AM. The event will take place at the Unitarian Church, 61 Military St in Houlton.

This year's Aroostook Apple Day will feature interesting workshops, fruit tastings, displays, fruit tree sales, and delicious coffee and pastries available from the Cup Café. Dee Cote will be on hand from 10AM - 1PM with a hand-crank cider press; visitors may bring clean apples and pears and containers to press some fruit. 

A series of workshops will discuss: the history of apples in Aroostook County, cider making for sweet and hard cider and vinegar, holistic orchard management, and local growers' issues and tips. 

The event is FREE and open to the public. For class topics and times, please click for a SCHEDULE. For more info or to request special accommodations, please contact

Aroostook Apple Day is being co-sponsored by the Conservation District, Fedco Trees, Maine farmland Trust, and Maine Organic farmers & Gardeners Association.