Go Orange with us in support of work zone safety!
We are taught at an early age that red means stop, green means go, and yellow means caution. One color that most of us likely weren’t taught about in school is orange and what it symbolizes—unless your teacher was an Orioles fan.
In the construction and transportation industries, we know the color orange is used to alert motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians that they are approaching a work zone. It also represents the need for motorists to slow down and for all who approach a work zone to stay focused and put down their distractions.
To encourage all roadway users to think orange for work zones and to travel through them safely, SHA is participating in National Go Orange Day on April 19.
We ask you, your co-workers, family members and friends to join our efforts. Here’s how:
- Wear orange in support of work zone safety and snap some photos.
- On April 19, post your photos on your social media pages with the message “I/we wear orange in support of work zone safety. #GoOrangeMD.”
- Tag SHA’s social media pages @MDSHA (Twitter), @MDOTSHA (Facebook) and @MarylandStateHighwayAdmin (Instagram). Office of Communications will retweet/repost your social media posts.
If you don’t use social media, email your photo to kmiller12@mdot.maryland in Office of Communications by April 12, and Kristen will share your photo on SHA’s social media pages.
Help SHA raise awareness about this serious topic.
From the years 2017-2021 (2022 data continues to be compiled), there have been 7,521 work zone related crashes in Maryland, resulting in 3,059 injuries and claiming 46 lives, including drivers, passengers, and highway workers. One crash, one injury and one life lost is one too many. Go Orange with us!