Ballot Dropboxes Are Now Available!
The 2020 General Election which is exactly 32 days away! We want to make sure that you have all of the information necessary to vote and do it safely.
It is encouraged that residents stay safe and consider voting by mail this election cycle. All registered voters should start receiving mail-in ballot applications in the mail soon. To request your mail-in ballot, please 1.) visit elections.mypgc.us, 2.) visit elections.maryland.gov or 3.) text "VBM" to 77788.
When completing this application, remember to fully complete it, sign it, and then return it via the prepaid envelope or by dropping it off at the County Board of Elections in person. If you have received a mail-in ballot application in the mail, you must return the application by October 20 to receive a mail-in ballot for the November 3 election.
As of September 28, there are 22 ballot drop boxes are now available for use across Prince George’s County. These drop boxes are secured and monitored 24/7. If you have finished filling out your mail-in ballot, you can return it to one of these drop boxes at any time. Please click on the graphic to the left to view a larger version of the flier.
KEY DATES & DEADLINES Please click on the graphic below for information regarding ballot requests, mail-in ballots and dropbox locations.
PLEASE NOTE: Your mail-in ballot application IS NOT the actual ballot!
IMPORTANT TO NOTE ** - Ballots will be mailed by the end of September. ** - Information on secure dropbox locations will be available. If mailing a ballot on November 3, voters are urged to go inside the post office to have a clerk postmark it. ** - Completed mail-in ballots must be in a secure drop box by 8:00pm on November 3, 2020.
#ICYMI The virtual County Council session on Tuesday, September 22nd, heard three important briefing updates. The first briefing, a Board of Elections update, was provided by Elections Administrator Alisha Alexander, joined by Deputy Chief Administrator Officer Floyd Holt. Critical details of the upcoming November 3rd Presidential General Election were shared. WATCH the Board of Elections briefing.
Let's all work with one another to create our action plans not only to vote but to vote safely in the upcoming election!
Committed to Service, Committed to YOU!
Derrick Leon Davis Council Member, District 6 Prince George's County Council
SNEAK PEEK: CouncilConnection
Have you signed up to receive Council Connection, the weekly wrap up of Council activity? To subscribe and to read this week's Council Connection in its entirety, please visit the following weblink: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/MDPGCLEG/bulletins/2a16da8.
You can receive Council Connection on your mobile phone by texting "PGC COUNCIL" to 468311.
Board of Health Receives RAND Corporation Briefing On Health and Human Services Needs Assessment Study; Discusses "Health In All Policies” Initiative
The Prince George’s County Council, sitting as the Board of Health on Tuesday, September 29, 2020, received a detailed briefing on the RAND Corporation report “Assessing Health and Human Services Needs to Support an Integrated Health in All Policies Plan for Prince George's County, Maryland,” a comprehensive study commissioned by the Council as it considers future policy and funding decisions related to the health and wellbeing of residents and communities. RAND is a nonprofit institution that helps improve decision-making through research and analysis. In partnership with the Board of Health, RAND completed a health needs assessment for Prince George’s County focusing on health and healthcare-related issues and the full extent of human services that influence health outcomes. Council Chair Todd M. Turner (D-District 4) notes the Board of Health briefing on the RAND Report comes as the County works to address the short and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health of its residents.
“COVID-19 has transformed how we address healthcare in our communities, and the effects of this pandemic extend beyond its physical health impact. As the Council considers future policies, plans, funding and resources to improve health outcomes, we need a fuller understanding of the current and future health and human service needs of our communities.” Chair Turner adds, “The RAND report offers opportunities for immediate Council action and more community engagement, and we look forward to implementing its findings to improve quality of life for our residents.”
READ the press release. VISIT the Board of Health web page to download the report and view the briefing presentation. WATCH this important Board of Health briefing.
Constituent/Community Resources
Fresh Produce Distribution
Join the Prince George's Police Department for a fresh produce distribution today, October 3, 2020, 10:00am - 12:00pm, at the Wayne K. Curry Administration Building (1301 McCormick Drive, Largo, Maryland 20774). Free to attend. No registration required. Fresh produce will be available while supplies last. Please distribute this flyer to your family, neighbors and friends by clicking and downloading the flier to the left.
Native American Day Waste Collection Schedule
County government offices, with the exception of public safety agencies, will be closed on Monday, October 12, 2020, in observance of Native American Day. All trash and recycling collections remain on a regular schedule.
In addition, the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE), and Prince George’s CountyClick 3-1-1 will be closed on Monday, October 12, 2020, and will resume regular operations on Tuesday, October 13, 2020. However, residents can still submit service/issue requests online at www.countyclick311.com.
Curbside Bulky Trash Collection Accepting December Appointments
Remember Residents, Items that are too big to fit in your trash bin won’t be hauled away in your regular curbside trash collection. Schedule your curbside bulky trash appointment today by calling 311 or visiting: bulkytrash.princegeorgescountymd.gov.
Upcoming Community Forums
RSVP for the Bowie-Mitchellville and Vicinity Master Plan Community Chat sessions (October, 2020)
Join the Prince George's County Planning Department for its upcoming virtual Bowie-Mitchellville and Vicinity Master Plan Community Chat sessions this month. Upcoming dates and topics for the community sessions are as follows:
October 6, 2020 | 7:00-8:00 p.m.: Economic Prosperity
October 8, 2020 | 6:00-7:00 p.m.: Natural Environment
October 12, 2020 | 7:00-8:00 p.m.: Community Heritage, Culture & Design
October 14, 2020 | 6:00-7:00 p.m.: Transportation and Mobility
Past chats will be available on the website. by visiting the following weblink: https://www.mncppc.org/4957/Community-Chat-Series.
These sessions are designed to provide greater insight into the eight key planning elements highlighted in the master plan: http://ow.ly/FZ8k30r9Obq.
Please note that the Community Chats will be held completely online with a link to the meetings being made available prior to the start of the meeting.
Interested community members are strongly encouraged to RSVP for these meetings: https://www.mncppc.org/4957/Community-Chat-Series.
For more information about the Bowie-Mitchellville Vicinity Master Plan, please visit its home page, courtesy of the Prince George's County Planning Department: http://www.mncppc.org/3390/Bowie-Mitchellville-Master-Plan.
Click on the graphic above to view an enlarged version of the flyer.
Prince George's County Planning Board Budget Forums Join the Prince George's County Planning Board for one of two virtual 2020 Budget Forums tomorrow Tuesday, September 29 and October 13. Residents will be able to provide comments on the Commission's budget for planning, parks, and recreation in Prince George's County for the next fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2021.
Public participation is encouraged either through a phone bridge or by using GoTo Meeting (online video meeting software). The forums can be viewed live through the Planning Board's streaming service (http://mncppc.iqm2.com) and a video recording will be available for review after the hearing. Individuals or representatives of community organizations who wishes to speak at this year’s Budget Forum can visit www.pgplanningboard.org. Select “Testify at a Hearing” , select a meeting date, complete the form in its entirety, and submit. Following the registration submission, an email will be sent with the GoTo Meeting information by 3:00 p.m. the Monday before, including the phone number and a web address to connect to the meeting. To submit documentation as a part of the forum, email information to PublicAffairs@ppd.mncppc.org.
For more information, please visit the following weblink: http://www.pgplanning.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=591. Click the graphic above to view an enlarged version of the flyer.
County Agency Resources
REVIEW: Prince George’s County Department of Public Works and Transportation's 2019-2020 Annual Report
The Prince George’s County DPW&T 2019-2020 Annual Report is now available!
The Prince George’s County Department of Public Works and Transportation's 2019-2020 Annual Report highlight the strides the agency has made in current operations and provides an outlook on the direction the department is heading. To view the Annual Report, please click on the graphic to the left or visit the following weblink: http://ow.ly/eadw50BruYX.
The Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) is responsible for nearly 2,000 miles of County-maintained roadways that range from rural to urban classifications. The transportation infrastructure includes 900 bridges, as well as shoulders, sidewalks, curbs/gutters, stormwater management facilities, driveway aprons and nearly 3,000 acres of grassy area -- all of which are maintained by staff of the Department. DPW&T’s workforce keeps the County’s various services moving by performing a myriad of activities among which include removing snow and ice from County-maintained roadways, upgrading traffic signals, installing street lights, clearing fallen trees, unclogging drainage inlets and maintaining stormwater management facilities, as well as performing roadway repairs ranging from potholes and sidewalk trip hazards to bridge repairs and resurfacing projects, as well as everything else in between.
Fall 2020 Community Partners' Presentation
The Fall 2020 Community Presentation is now available online for review. Every quarter, the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE), Department of the Environment (DoE) and Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) host a Community Partners' Meeting to provide citizens with news about current projects, upcoming programs and concludes with a question & answer segment with residents.
Due to social distancing guidelines, the three agencies that co-sponsor Community Partners’ Meeting– DPIE, DoE and Department of Public Works and Transportation public works – hosted their quarterly meeting via an online presentation. To view the online presentation, please click on the graphic to left.
Visit our website to view news, updates to programs, Q & A and more at environment.mypgc.us.
Prince George's County Full Phase Two Reopening
Please be advised that Prince George's County remains under a full Phase Two reopening.
On September 16, 2020, Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks announced that several establishments are now able to reopen with capacity limits and other safety requirements under the County’s current phase 2 reopening status.
To review what services are in operation and prohibited at this time, please review County Executive Angela Alsobrooks' latest press release.
REMINDER: Face Covering Required in Prince George's County
Wear a mask. Get tested. Save a life. It is that simple.
As a friendly reminder, face coverings are required in all indoor retail stores and business establishments including gyms and large chain retail establishments.
Please click on the above flier to view additional details.
Retesting Policy
Residents that see a COVID-19 safety protocol violation in a County business can report that violation via phone or email.
The County’s COVID-19 Ambassador Compliance Team will then perform a site visit to follow-up on that concern.
Click on the flier above for additional information.
Business Compliance | Resident Reporting
Residents that see a COVID-19 safety protocol violation in a County business can report that violation via phone or email.
The County’s COVID-19 Ambassador Compliance Team will then perform a site visit to follow-up on that concern. Click on the flier above for additional information.
Employ Prince George's COVID-19 Hourly Employee Relief Fund
According to the American Payroll Association, nearly 3 in 4 American workers would have difficulty paying their bills. Employ Prince George's wants to help those hourly workers meet immediate needs, such as utilities, gas, and food through its Prince George's County COVID-19 HOURLY Employee Relief Fund. Prince George’s County residents who have been laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic are eligible for a $200 EPG Visa Cash Card. For more information and to apply, please visit employpgedge.com.
Click on the flier above for additional information.
Contact Us!
Derrick Leon Davis Prince George's County Council Council District 6
Council District 6 Email: councildistrict6@co.pg.md.us District 6 Office: (301) 952-3426